New firmware is now available for 2018 SmartThings sensors. This firmware will improve the performance and reliability of your sensors. The update will be automatically applied to your sensors if you have Device firmware updates set to Allow .
Device firmware updates are disabled by default in the SmartThings app because firmware upgrades may cause increased energy drain due to the extra power required to apply the update and lightbulbs may default to ON after an update. You can enable updates in the SmartThings mobile app by selecting the hub device from your Device list and toggling Allow device firmware updates to ON.
After enabling updates, devices will check for available updates at least once every 24 hours. If an update is available, your SmartThings Hub will automatically send the update to the devices when they check in. The Hub supports five simultaneous device updates. If a sixth device checks for an update, it will be told there is no update available, but the device will try again when it performs its next check in 24 hours.
You can see the current firmware version of your device in the IDE, as well as any available updates:
Under Firmware , you will see Current Version and Target Version
If the Target Version is different than the Current Version, there is a firmware update available for that device
You will also see the date and time the device Last Checked for an update
Click Check Now to have the device check again
At this time, there will be no indicators in the mobile app regarding updates, but you can find recent updates in the device event logs in the IDE by following the steps above and clicking List Events .
( - Making SmartThings Easy!)
Funny thing I’ve noticed on some of our non-US SmartThings accounts in the lab, when you log into it takes you to some default landing page which isn’t connected to any location, it has no hubs, devices, DTH’s or SA’s there. You can install DTH’s and SA’s but they won’t show up in your location (it’s like a ghost / hidden orphaned location). You need to click on your existing location and then everything shows up. Funnily when you log into it doesn’t happen, it always takes you to a valid location and never a ghost location.
It may always take you there, but that would only be if you have an account on the first shard. People with newer accounts will find that that URL does not work for them.
As far as the “ghost location,” that sounds like somebody who is using their Samsung ID (instead of their smartthings ID) for the first time. See the following: