Smartthings randomly not responding

I need some help/advice.
We have installed smartthings for a client, we have around 66 z-wave devices on the network. at least once a day the whole z-wave network is not responding. We have replaced the hub and re installed the whole setup now 5 times, and we have moved the hub to various locations. But every time we get the same results.
According to the hub status in IDE it used to say the z-wave is not functional, I then found a fibaro dimmer to be the cause of the radio crashing. We have replaced it with a new one. But the every so often nothing would respond. I can also not see any logs for what could be causing this. I also have noticed that the fibaro relays and dimmers would not always update its new status although it did turn on/off.
The devices on the network are as follows:
19x Zooz4in1 sensors
20x Fibaro dimmer2
7x Fibaro single switches
1x Enervave single relay
2x Vision dual relays
2x Mimolite relays
5x Aeotech gen5 Contact sensors
5xZigbee smartthings contact sensors
5x Yale z-wave deadbolt Locks
and a bunch of virtual sensors and switches.

We have also created the rules in core to eliminate any issues on web-core.
I need urgent assistance with regards to this matter. I am seriously considering a different controller.

Which model hub do you have? What region are you in? Have you contacted ST support at

I have the st hub v2, the US version
I have I am still waiting for their response.

Are you able to run z-wave repair?

I am but I also have read that it is strongly not recommended. Apparently (according to some posts and support the repair does more damage than what is it fixing.
When I do it seems to be OK for a while, but then it starts all over again. I must say for about 70% of the time the response is immediate, so it is not that the system does not have great times.
I have at least 30-40 “failed to read protocol info” and “failed to update mesh info” errors every time I run repair, but according to support that is perfectly normal and nothing to be concerned about.
I cant shake the idea that there is a error in the database, but then again, how can you replicate the same db issue after 5 resets?
I now also sit with the zooz sensors that drains the batteries, around 4 days on a new battery. I have checked all the settings.
The settings are as follows:
• Primary Status: MOTION
• Round The primary Status to a whole number?: OFF
• Secondary Status: NONE
• Temp Scale: 0
• Temp Change Trigger: 50
• Temp Off set: 0
• Humidity Change Trigger: 50
• Humidity offset: 0
• Light change trigger:10
• Light %Offset: 0
• Light Lux Offset: 0
• Report Illuminance as Lux? NO
• LUX Value to report at 100%: 50
• Motion Retrigger time: 60
• Motion Sensitivity: 2
• LED Indicator mode: 1
• Round Values to how many decimal places: 2
• Minimum Check interval: 4
• Battery reporting interval: 12
• Automatic clear Tamper? YES
• Enable debug Logging? NO
when ever I include the zooz sensors I get a number of errors that says that it failed to join securely, I would then remove it and retry until I succeed. I according to one guy from support, the zooz is not a st supported device. But I did not find any one that had any issues with them. I also have tested the system for a day with out the sensors included. The results was the same.
So no I am under the opinion that what ever is wrong is causing the zooz to drain, and not the other way around.


I’d not be comfortable with someone paying me to install SmartThings - I’d be worried that the almost inevitable device-drop issues, or cloud outages, would be a time-sink that would far outweigh any income.

I’d be interested to hear more behind the thinking that the Z-Wave repair does more bad than good. Did they suggest why that was the case?

One idea here might be to basically start again, even as far as creating a new ST account to rule out account corruption within the ST cloud. Or ask support to clear out everything for you and start again.

Alternatively, if you’re client needs a system that just works, find a controller that has a greater level of reliability (and probably a much greater cost).

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No they did not, they said that if a network has more than 30 z-wave devices, it is causing more harm. They do not recommend a repair. (witch sounds bizarre…I mean some of the devices are as far as 130M away from the hub)
But before some one says that is the reason, there is plenty of repeaters around. I have the z-wave toolbox, and all the nodes has at least 5 neighbors.
It seems like the 225 device limit is way lower, probably 30…
Smartthings is rated as the best and most stable and versatile controller, I am considering another brand, but if this is the best…how bad is the rest?

By who??

And that rating is for DIY consumers (who save money on the equipment in exchange for their time dealing with quirks) - not for paid installers who will eat up their margins very quickly due to the lack of dealer support from SmartThings.