SmartThings Energy not working

I am using ST Energy to monitor my heat pump and today it has stopped showing any data. Is there a server issue?

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I have the same issue. I submitted a ticket a few hours ago but no answer yet. I suspect the problem is because of the current maintenance/updates.

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Hi, @Roy_Parrott, @Dan77

There was an issue the previous days with the service in the EU region but it should be solved now, could you verify, please?

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Hey @nayelyz,

it works for me. I tested it on several devices without any issues.

Thank you!

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Yes, it’s working for me on two devices. Thanks

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ok, thank you for the confirmation. Have a great day!

Hi. It doesen‘t Work for me in Europe/Germany.
Who can help? Thank you.

Hi @Dave37

Could you please share with us more details about your issue? What do you mean with “It doesen‘t Work”?

Oh yes, sorry. In the menu of ST at my SmartTV, it shows that I spent thousands of dollars this month, when I click into the page, it says “Couldn’t connect to SmartThings Energy”

Hi @Dave37
I sent DM