Smart Outlet for Sump Pump

LOL, no worries!

Without getting too long on ya’, custom DTH’s are sometimes needed for devices that ST doesn’t have stock handlers for. Custom handlers are also used to extend the functionality provided by ST’s handler. For the most part, ST’s device handlers do just the basic capabilities for a device, even though manufacturers have given their devices a lot more, especially device parameters that you can adjust (can’t do that with ST’s DTH’s). Great examples would be this zen15 device, the Zooz/Dome siren, and many many others.

I don’t have an Iris camera to confirm, but if you have this working in ST and created your own DTH, then it is custom for sure. If everything else you have joined to the hub without any problems, or showing up as a “Thing”, then more than likely everything else you have is stock. Without being able to see your device list and device handlers list in the IDE, I can’t be 100% sure of that.

Check out this discussion on what the custom DTH will do and look like:

The stock DTH only has on/off capabilities, Watts, and kWh tiles, as well as a reset tile for kWh. It’s very basic. I’d include a screenshot, but I don’t have the device anymore to capture one for you.

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