This SmartApp will allow you to use a power/energy monitor to recieve a notification or text message if your sump pump has cycled on.
The app has been tested with an Aeon Labs Z-Wave Smart Energy Switch.
This device is rated up to 1875W 15A so be aware of the starting watts of your sump pump when considering this app.
* Sump Pump Power Monitor
* Copyright 2014 Chad Schone
* Based on
* by sudarkoff
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
name: "Sump Pump Power Monitor",
namespace: "cschone",
author: "Chad Schone",
description: "Use an power meter to monitor sump pump activity.",
category: "Safety & Security",
iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: "",
iconX3Url: "")
preferences {
section ("When this device starts drawing power") {
input "meter", "capability.powerMeter", multiple: false, required: true
section (title: "Notification method") {
input "sendPushMessage", "bool", title: "Send a push notification?"
section (title: "Notification method") {
input "phone", "phone", title: "Send a text message to:", required: false
def installed() {
log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}"
def updated() {
log.debug "Updated with settings: ${settings}"
def initialize() {
subscribe(meter, "energy", handler)
subscribe(meter, "power", handler)
state.cycleOn = false;
state.lastEnergy = 0
log.trace "initialize"
log.debug "lastEnergy: ${state.lastEnergy}"
log.trace "Forced switch on."
def handler(evt) {
log.trace "handler"
def currentEnergy = meter.currentValue("energy")
def currentPower = meter.currentValue("power")
//def currentState = meter.currentValue("switch")
log.trace "Current Energy: ${currentEnergy}"
log.trace "Current Power: ${currentPower}"
//log.trace "Current Power: ${currentState}"
def isRunning = (currentEnergy > state.lastEnergy) || (currentPower > 0)
if (!state.cycleOn && isRunning) {
// If the sump pump starts drawing energy, send notification.
state.cycleOn = true
def message = "Check your sump pump!"
log.trace "${message}"
} else if (state.cycleOn && isRunning) {
// If the sump pump continues drawing energy,
// send more notifications.
def message = "Your sump pump is still running!"
log.trace "${message}"
// this is probably overkill
} else if (state.cycleOn && !isRunning) {
// If the sump pump stops drawing power, send notification.
state.cycleOn = false
def message = "Your sump pump stopped running!"
log.trace "${message}"
} else {
// this should not happen
log.trace "No activity."
state.lastEnergy = currentEnergy;
// negate physical on/off switch
// If using this device as a monitor it shold never be off
//if(currentState == "off") {
// log.trace "Forced switch on."
// meter.on()
private send(msg) {
if (sendPushMessage) {
if (phone) {
sendSms(phone, msg)
log.debug msg