What are your thoughts? I’m leaning towards the Kevo. Not super loving my Schlage touchscreen deadbolt. Will any of the smartlocks like August, Kevo, Lockitron, etc. work with Smartthings?
Theoretically, SmartThings works with anything that speaks Z-Wave (non-proprietary stack) or Zigbee (HA stack), as well as with devices which provide RESTful API access via HTTP requests. I wrote “theoretically”, because not all of these devices do currently have SmartThings device handlers implemented, i.e. they may not work out of the box. More and more devices are becoming compatible as these handlers are being implemented.
It is not very hard to implement a new device handler, and most likely you will be able to do this yourself if you have basic programming skills, or find someone on this forum (or from ST) to help you with it!
I know for a fact that Lockitron gives you access to the lock through a REST API. AFAIK, August is planning on giving API access, but details have not emerged. Kevo is kind of closed as a platform, and communicates through Bluetooth only. I doubt Kevo will be compatible with ST anytime soon. The other two may very well be compatible, but I haven’t gotten my hands on either of them to play with it.
Oh, and there is also Goji, which communicates over Wifi and Zigbee, and which according to their blog works with Control4, Savant, and iControl home automation systems. I don’t have any more info on this one, but they may be using a proprietary Zigbee stack. Maybe someone else knows?
Thanks for the responses. All great info. Here’s my follow-up question, out of all of these smart locks, regardless of compatibility which one do all of you think is the best?
I really like the design of the August, but I am holding off until people are actually getting their hands on them. Functionally, the Lockitron looks just as good and I like the idea of supporting a local startup.
I am biased against the Kevo, because of the controversy around charging “in-app purchase” fees for acquiring electronic keys. The fact that they haven’t been really honest about their fee structure, and the fact that it looks like Kwikset is being greedy, made me lose a lot of respect for them.
Don’t know much about the Goji.
Has anybody looked at the Danalock?
FYI, I heard back from Goji and they are apparently working with SmartThings to get their lock integrated, as we speak.
I have the Schlage BE469NXCAM619 Camelot Touchscreen Deadbolt as well as two of the Schlage BE369NX CAM 619 Home Keypad Deadbolts. All work fine with Smartthings from the standpoint of remote unlocking and status. The Touchscreen deadbolt is a big step up because of the motorized deadbolt. I really like the lock and I am impressed with the battery life. I have been waiting for Smartthings to add more functionality from a remote maintenance standpoint such as adding and removing codes remotely. I would also like to be able to schedule the codes to work on certain days and certain times. These are functions that my Micasaverde could handle. The logs are finally starting to show me which code unlocked the door which is good.
I expect Smartthings support for the locks to continue to improve. From a hardware and security standpoint I think Schlage makes the best locks on the market both traditional and z-wave.
With the Schlage locks can you getting a notifications on which code is used?
dbmet, yes I am getting notifications which show the code # that was used to unlock the schlage lock. This functionality only started to appear in the past month or so. The new iOS 7 updates makes it easier to view the activity feed. This is great progress. My hope is that via the IDE or other tools that remote management of the codes will be added soon. Overall I am more and more pleased with Smartthings and the added functionality. As a Kickstarter early adopter, I knew to expect limited functionality to begin with and I am pleased to see the new functions being added. So much potential in the platform.
Have you tried using bigpunk6’s device type? It allows you to, via a SmartApp, do some administration of codes.
It’s designed for Kwikset, but may work for other locks as well.
Curious to know how to install the app and what changes would be needed to the code. I logged into the IDE and went to add an app. I started to add the code that bigpunk6 wrote but I am unsure how to do that and what changes might be needed to the code to support my Schlage locks.
@brianf2 the code worked out of the box for me, and I have the same lock you have. You have to add the code for the new lock device handler and the app.
I just received the Danalock and I’m unable to get it to respond. It is recognized and added to my network. But when I change the device type to Z-Wave Lock or Lock…it does not respond?
Oh well, I guess it is not compatible and I wasted $150. Lesson learned.
I have the Danalock also. Have not tried it out yet. Hopefully it will at least work on the Bluetooth.
I spoke too soon. I did get the Danalock to work as a Z-Wave Lock. After adding it and changing the device type in the console I needed to reboot my hub. It works great but I would not recommend buying one based on build quality. It is completely plastic and very cheap looking/feeling. It is the cheapest lock on the market and it shows.
But if you don’t care about appearance it will do the job.
Can you explain how you got it to work to someone who is new at this.
On the Schlage touchscreen deadbolt, how do you have it unlock other than inputting the code? Can it unlock when a cell phone or presence tag arrives?
I have been comparing products for about 2 months now, was going to go with a Ninja Block, but shipping is 4 months out and no native support for zwave. The biggest problem for me was finding the door locks that I wanted then to find something compatible with the door locks as the other stuff I want to do is mostly supported on all the platforms. For my door lock requirement, I wanted it to be zwave or zigbee compliant with PIN, NFC and Android App(Bluetooth or Wifi) compatible. I ended up purchasing a danalock since they will be releasing addons for NFC and PIN, was only $150 compared to the others and I don’t have to rekey it, easier for the WAF(Wife Acceptance Factor).
For those who are using a danalock with ST, are there any limitations or gotchas? I am thinking about ordering a ST day when I get home from the office.
I have the Schlage touchscreen and it can be unlocked via the iOS or Android App, the presence tag or by the touchpad. The App now shows which code number was used to unlock the lock when using the keypad which is very helpful. I have this keypad lock and three of the older style Schlage Zwave locks. The touchpad one is by far the best. Still waiting for remote code administration to be added to Smartthings.