Smart Lighting (new plugin version)

To answer some of your questions & provide context:

  1. We removed the Groovy version of SmartLighting from the “Discover” automations tab & replaced it with the Plugin version.

  2. Users with the Groovy version of SmartLighting already installed can still interact with it by selecting it in the “Automations” tab. This means that users who already had the Groovy version installed may continue to use it but those that haven’t will only have access to the Plugin version.

  3. We will be performing an automatic migration in the future - having both versions installed at that time will not cause any problems. If you want to try the new version now or would prefer to migrate your automations yourself you can do so. Prior to Groovy SmartApp support officially ending, any remaining Groovy SmartLighting automations will be migrated - there will be separate communications for this.

  4. These automations do run locally - adhering to the same eligibility rules as Custom Routines. I shared the request for a local execution indicator with the team.

  5. We have increased the limit of Routines & Scenes to account for users with a large number of Routines & SmartLighting automations - the limit is now 1000 Routines and/or Scenes.