Typically yes but isn’t the case here. They both seem to be from the new integration and all of the devices have a device type of ‘placeholder’.
Ok. I guess the C2C integration is not fully operational then for other devices than the original/Lifx 1000 bulbs might be. As it was mentioned before the Lifx mini. (I have only those bulbs and works well with the “placeholders”)
Is it an ST or Lifx issue then? Isn’t the manufacturers responsible now days for the integrations?
Never mind. I think too many issues were listed in this single thread.
Hi Brad,
Michael started the thread by reporting his issue and I am having the same issues. I provided an in depth explanation of what I’m experiencing and it sounds like Michael concurs.
All of my Lifx bulbs show up as “Placeholder” type in ST - Do they need to be set to something else? Also, I provided some information about what I’m seeing regarding the Lifx bulbs and their network device IDs being undefined. Can you shed some light on this question in particular? (sorry for the bad pun)
Lastly, I do have a support case open with Lifx as well - I haven’t received a response yet, but will keep this thread updated when I hear something.
Thanks All!
Placeholder is the intended device type and “undefined” shouldn’t be an issue. I connected a LIFX bulb to SmartThings and it shows “LIFX|:lifx_a19|:undefined” but is controllable through SmartThings. I also tested controlling it through a Smart Lighting automation without issue.
I assume the devices are controllable through the LIFX app? Is it just Smart Lighting that fails to control them or manually turning them on/off in the app fails as well?
The issue is strictly with Smart Lighting that fails to control the bulbs. Manual controls, and regular automation controls, all function.
I’m going to delete both LiFX integrations, although I still wonder where the second one ever came from, and see if I can set it up from scratch and hope Smart Lighting works normally again.
Thanks for the help Brad. Scenes do work in IDE again. I wondered if something there was the issue, because those scenes no longer appeared in my app, however they did appear in the available scenes within Smart Lighting. I kind of thought the LiFX issue was similar - in that Smart Lighting didn’t sync properly after the outage on 2/4 & 2/5.