Smart Home Monitor Issues (Possible Solution)

So after some huge issues with Smart Home Monitor I think I finally nailed the issue and I’m not sure who to contact. My modes started having issue’s updating and the Smart Home Monitor would not arm/disarm correctly causing multiple false alarms.

I’ve since deleted my Nest Protects from my Smart Home Monitor and everything has been working fine since. I think it may be an issue with SHM or the custom device integration I’ve used this i’m not sure about. I just wanted to pass this information along to anyone else having the same issues as I, so maybe we can get this problem fixed.


Tagging @slagle

I know I’m using SHM with the nest protect and SHM works well.

I seriously doubt it has anything to do with the Nest. I’ve been working with Support for over a month regarding ongoing intermittent mode failures, and found that deleting just about anything, including the mode itself (and then restoring it,) will fix it… for a while.