SHM - Send Intrusion Detected or Subscribe to Intrusion Detected Event

Let me start with I just got my ST hub for Christmas, and just played around with my first SmartApp so I am still learning how everything works (I am addicted though).

What I Want: I found documentation on how to change the state in the SHM which is awesome. But what I really want is something to push my own intrusion detected event, or subscribe to the intrusion detected event and suppress it.

Why I Want It: Let me know if I am thinking about this the wrong way, but this is why I want it. I have a door I want to monitor (contact sensor). But sometimes the dog needs to go out late at night. I don’t want to have to remember to disarm/rearm the system each time this happens since I’m half asleep. I would like to determine if this is a ‘true’ intrusion event based on prior motion inside and/or outside the house.

What Currently Doing: Right now I have the SHM ignore the contact sensor and use instead the outside motion detector. I disarm the system if the door opens if there was no prior motion outside. Problem is I don’t want to use the motion detector for security events due to both false alarms and the potential dead zones.

There is a beta app, Simple Zone Monitor, I don’t think it’s been published yet that may be well suited for this.

But you can and probably should do what you are talking about with CoRE. You wouldn’t include that contact sensor with your SHM actions, but instead Core would monitor it and when combined with a SHM Armed status take certain actions…

In my situation, I use a Aeon Doorbell to make a verbal announcement about events like this when I am in ARMED STAY mode…

I can then choose to ignore and go back to sleep - but it will tell me where the event happened… and then it’s up to me.

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Yeah I am doing this because I plan to eventually get the Aeon Doorbell to make announcements, but I don’t want to wake up the house with false alarms.

I am essentially already doing what you mentioned with using CoRE. This just means I need to also re-implement the certain actions to do. This isn’t the end of the world, but as a programmer it has been ingrained in me not to duplicate code.

I am attempting to utilize built in utilities as much as possible, and only resort to CoRE and custom code as minimally as possible.

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I hear you Ryan but ST’s built in functions are neither robust enough or reliable enough.

All of my routines for example are completely devoid of any actual actions, CoRE detects when they are triggered and then takes the necessary actions. Why? Routines routinely fail to execute their defined actions.

I was completely against that as well, but we’re ultimately left with very little choice.