Shelly Addon Plus on Shelly Plus 1 with DS18B20

Hey there,

am I stupid?
I try to connect temperatur sensor DS18B20 with smarthings.
I have add the Addon Plus to a Shelly Plus 1 switch and connected three DS18B20 sensors.
I´am able to switch the shelly switch via smarthings but can not see the sensors in SM, only in my Shelly app.
What do I wrong? Is there missing any drivers?

Best regards

Are you using Cloud to Cloud connection?

Shelly - SmartThings connection

Have you asked from Shelly support what all devices the Shelly - SmartThings connection supports?
Customer Support - Support - Shelly


yes. Cloud to cloud connection is working.

And I am of the firm assumption that it works, as all parts are also available on the ‘’ website

I would assume that this company has nothing to do with Samsung and SmartThings. The company only sells various Smart Home products.

Yes, that’s right.
You can buy the part on the ‘works with smartthings’ homepage, but it doesn’t work with smartthings.
Crazy thing…