My apologies for such a long question, but I am tying to crash course on Smartthings so I can just dive in and make it work coming form Iris…
As everyone seems to be aware already that Lowes is closing down Iris, and buying out their customers. That is bad and good. Bad because the system I have been relying on, and building up piecemal over the last 3 years isn’t going to work anymore and needs to be replaced. Good in that they are offering me sufficient funds to replace what I have integrated already, almost… But I am NOT complaining…
My current system is a Second Generation Iris hub, keypad, 2 contact sensors, and one motion sensor. I have a third generation ZigBee smart plug that I am using as a range extender so my contact sensors in the garage don’t keep loosing connection. Of the 2nd and 3rd gen stuff, the hub is an absolute no go, and the keypad is iffy at best.
I also have 16 first generation contact sensors, 2 rigged on hinges as inexpensive tilt sensors for my garage doors. And I ha ve 5 first generation outdoor cameras (Iris OC821)
There is certain function I am losing with Iris that I am not happy about, that I have heard is possible to regain through an IDE, but I am not a developer. I can follow decently written directions really well though, and that is keypad integration. But assume we fail with keypad integration, the idea here is to be able to allow access to the house via a unique PIN to our pet sitter, and to my disabled brother in law. Now if there is a way to get access to the system to a secondary user via the app that is just a “user” and not an admin of any sorts, then my BIL is fine. However my pet sitter is a major ludditell, her cell phone is just a flip phone / dumb phone. No way of getting her to get the app… Which is why the keypad integration, or SOME other means of turning the alarm on / off is important…
Anyway the other part of my long question is thus. I can set up the hardware, I am aware I need a Smarthings hub, 16 contact sensors. Right now Best buy has the ADT version for $4.99, if those will work with the non ADT hub, I will go ahead and grab them before my card comes in from Lowes… I will also need cameras. I am considering the Ring doorbell camera, and 2 ring spotlight cameras. Unless someone decides to climb the fence between my house and the neighbors, they won’t be able to approach without being seen and responded to this way. Plus the ring works with Alexa, and has built in siren and strobe the get LOTS of attention if need be.
I have 2 Utilitech indoor sirens, Lowes listed them as 85db, the documentation in the package says 100db. Either way they are loud.
I am adding 4 of the First Alert smart smoke detectors, 1 for each bedroom, and then 2 smoke detector / Carbon Monoxide detectors, 1 for kitchen, 1 for living room. Possibly a third for the garage / workshop.
How do I set this all up in the app so that I can use it for home monitoring for unauthorized entry / approach, capture / review of security video, and monitoring of any smoke / fire / carbon monoxide events?
Are there other sensors avaialble that are compatible, and reliable, and not quite so bulky? My house is 1980s construction with builders grade windows still, the lip the sash rides on is quite slim and even the first gen Iris sensors were tricky to get installed…