Schlage Connect BE469 - Not using High Security

Have been trying to reconnect my Schlage Connect BE469 with some trouble. It appears to be adding itself through the pairing code and searching with smartthings but i get this message:

Not using High Security: you’re a device has been connected, but it isn’t using the highest level of security. For more security, exclude the device, and try it again.

I tried resetting the lock to factory settings, doing z-wave exclusion via the hub on the ST app but I have no option to do z-wave exclusion. Recently updated the app. Using Smartthings Connect Pro hub. Unsure what other options I can work through

Hoping to find suggestions that may be able to resolve the pairing issue.

Z-Wave exclusion is most likely under the hub Settings->Z-Wave Utilities in the ST app.

You can also do exclusion from the ST Advanced Web App.

Once you exclude the lock, add it again by doing Add Devices->Partner devices->Schlage and scanning the QR code from the lock or packaging.

Appreciate this,

The z-utilities is not an option in the app.

I was successful in doing the exclusion via the advanced web app. Although hard to tell if it really had any effect.

I am still getting this error when trying to pair the lock, I dont have a pairing button or a QR code to scan, I’ve had the lock for about 5 years now. I do have another lock that has been no issue (same Schlage connect).

The error I get. Is there a driver or primer that helps bypass this? I feel like i had to maybe jump through a hoop before but its been years since I’ve had to do anything with it.

****May or may not be an important thing to mention: when I try to pair the device, i enter the programming code, hit zero and the yellow light blinks but the X comes up instead of a checkmark… the lock does show up in my app and pairs but with the security message above.

Would it be worth excluding all the locks and deleting the driver and re-adding both fresh? Dont want to hard reset the hub. Whichever is the easiest path to get me where I need to go.

Thanks again!

I had to relace my 8-year-old one on my front door the other day, the motor was starting to fail.

For whatever reason, I had to reset the brand new lock, exclude, and delete it 3 times to convince SmartThings to pair it using the correct sequence.

The first time, SmartThings added it as a generic switch, never going through the normal secure steps.

The second time, SmartThings started the secure setup, but dumped me out before finishing, and for the next hour kept saying the device hadn’t finished updating all it’s settings, not the highest security (yada, yada), and the state of the lock was unknown… until I got frustrated and started the process over again by hard resetting the lock.

The third time, the secure on-boarding process worked as intended with no issues.

This was almost the exact same experience I had when adding one to my side door about 9 months ago.

Not that it matters now, but I didn’t have any issues adding these same locks 8 years ago.

So, my suggestion with the new SmartThings architecture is to hard reset the lock (press the logo on the exterior keypad while connecting the battery pack) right from the get go. Do the Z-Wave exclusion and delete the lock if you already tried to add it. Then, search for nearby devices in SmartThings and press the enroll button on the locks circuit board, SmartThings will hopefully ask for you to scan the locks QR code to add it securely.

Best of luck! Let us know if you still have issues.

Thanks for taking the time to provide some insight. 100% agree it was never this difficult.

Model of the lock is BE469NX. No enroll button on the back. no QR code.

I’ve done a variety of sequences now to no avail.

  1. delete->hard reset->z-wave Exclusion web-app-> enroll mode via program code-> adds the lock as generic (no high security) and x displays on the keypad.
  2. delete->" "
  3. delete->hard reset-> " "
  4. delete-> hard rest → z-wave exclusion & Z-wave repair-> " "

Things I have not done:

  • removed the other lock and try to repair both
  • hard reset the hub (please not let this be the only choice)
  • moved the hub closer or further (like a tv antenna)

I did reach out to customer support for some initial help but they are defaulting to resetting the hub (I have almost 50 devices connected to it)

Really appreciate any ideas, I did have hope after reading your response that it would be the silver bullet.


Resetting the hub is a scapegoat when support doesn’t know what they are doing, don’t do it.

My apologies, I have several of the BE469ZP, not the BE469NX… so my suggestions above probably aren’t completely relevant.

It sounds like you are trying all of the correct steps, so I am not sure what else to suggest.

Each of my locks have a secure pairing pin number/QR code on the back of the interior piece that attaches to the door, if SmartThings doesn’t request and get the pin/QR code during the setup process, it won’t be connected with the highest security… and unfortunately, SmartThings it flaky lately, so we are at their mercy. :rage:

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I think this is a final thought, unless there is a secret that I’m missing.

My lock is a BE469NX lock which is not a Z-wave plus device (No S2 security). I don’t know if this is a deal breaker. My other lock is the ZP version and it has S2 security via Z-wave Plus.

I did recently update to the most recent smartthings app. But hoping to have some guidance on how all of a sudden, one of my locks has been pushed out of the infrastructure.

This may be a dead end.

I have both a BE469 and BE469ZP. The security level of the non-ZP lock is ZWAVE_S0_LEGACY. The security level of the ZP lock that successfully paired with S2 is ZWAVE_S2_ACCESS_CONTROL. A Z-Wave device that supports S2, but pairs at a lower security level will be ZWAVE_S2_FAILED. You can see the security level of your devices using the community developed ST API Browser+. You will need to create a personal access token (PAT) at Samsung account.

If your BE469NX successfully pairs with your hub and only supports legacy security, then you should have no issue using it with ST.

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This is the problem. Your lock is not able to use the highest security, S2, which is exactly what the pop-up said. If you want a more secure lock (which is probably a good idea) then you’ll need to get a better/newer lock. If you’ve been happy with the BE469ZP, that’s probably your best bet.