Schlage Camelot Touchscreen Deadbolt

So I’m trying to figure out if I want to pair my deadbolt to my ST.

My Question is this…

  1. how long have you had yours connected to ST
  2. have you had any issues with it unlocking on its own
  3. Is it hard to pair with ST
  4. What are all the functions you can do with it on ST


any other advice will be welcomed.

  1. I have had it for about 10 months.
  2. No issues unlocking on its own. However, I only use to lock in certain routines but never unlock.
  3. Not hard to pair as long as the hub is near the lock during the pairing process. Also, everyday operation works better if there is some kind of z-wave repeater nearby.
  4. It can lock or unlock as part of routines or in response to actions you setup. The smartapp below works great.
  1. Installed since mid-July of this year

  2. No issues at all; it’s one of the most reliable devices in my network.

  3. I don’t know if it would be difficult to pair from its installed location, away from the hub. I had no issues pairing it locally and then installing it though. One note regarding this (or any Z-wave device that you pair locally and then move elsewhere): run a Z-wave repair once installed.

  4. With the proper device handler and smartapp, full functionality is available (e.g., remote monitoring/locking/unlocking - either automated or manually, add/remove codes, quick access to vacation mode, auto-lock on/off, alarm mode (BE369 only)).

Below is a screenshot of the “Things” view of my BE368 Camelot. This is all the result of a modified version of this device handler. It’s very configurable and user-friendly, as is the Lock Code Manager smartapp mentioned earlier. Lot’s of folks on here using these, so if you have any questions, just ask!

  1. 4 months
  2. Nope
  3. Nope
  4. Purely auto-lock after 5 min, multi-user programming with the mentioned smart app, basic entry. Nothing fancy, but does 100% of everything I require.

Highly recommended lock.

I had mine for over a year. It works great and never unlocked on its own. I’m using it with a custom app that sends me reminders if the lock is left unlocked for longer than 5 min. However, I had the lock’s batteries discharge suddenly twice this year. This has been discussed at length in another thread, if you’re interested.

Thanks everyone for the info I was looking for. Looks like I’ll be adding it to ST when I get my next day off whenever that will be…

I’m actually looking into this lock. Does it support creating custom codes/pins through the app ?

Using the smart app in the thread, you can create/update codes. I happens fairly quickly on the next polling event.