Samsung SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor $29.99 Prime

My daughter wanted 2 of these for Christmas. About bought them yesterday. Got them today and saved a few bucks.


these have had several forum posts of battery reporting problems and no-response. ARe they resolved? That I have NOT heard.

Yea, that might still be a problem. Just checked only one I have on a door that is rarely used. No notifications, temp is 20 degrees off, battery says 66%. I’ll put a new battery in it an see what happens. Might just cancel my order or send them back.

thansk for the followup. I’ve been monitoring and testing one of two, it reports temperature ok but battery says 0% for the past 3-4 months and I expect it to be unreliable. Changing the battery has not resolved it. So these are sensora-non-grata in my system.

FYI typically for the failing at <=66%, changing the battery usually resolves that problem, but the new battery is quickly depleted to 77-66% and the no-response re-occurs.

Lol, loved your Latinism!

I’ve had the battery issue with one of my multipurpose sensors but it turned out to be related to it having trouble communicating with my hub. Given the vast majority of my Zigbee devices are battery operated, they all had to reach the hub directly. To fix the issue I installed one of the Zigbee outlets (ST one or Iris one for example) between the sensor and the hub so the sensor’s first hop is shorter. I have not had a battery drain since doing that. I am now having this same issue with an Iris Motion Sensor so I purchased 3 more Zigbee outlets and will install them at the 4 corners of my house with the hub being more or less in the center. I am hoping this will create a balanced Zigbee mesh network reducing the first hop for all Zigbee sensors.


Generally the answer is “No”, they won’t match another Lowes, even in the same city. However, if you talk to the right person in just the right way, sometimes they will match so YMMV.

I was quoting the thread just because it talked about a current deal for the Iris Smart Outlet I had just recommended as a repeater. I purchased 3 of those from another state and had them shipped to me in TX. The price I paid was 13.98 each

That price is pretty good. The Iris plug-in’s are interesting as repeaters but also confusing since it pairs as 2 devices in Smarttthings. One is zigbee switchable, the other is zwave-repeater with no control.

Unfortunately the default devicetype reports power in 0.1w increment so it can clog the log with noise reports, if actually plug in a load.

It’s a little annoying having a ghost zwave device in the phone app, need a junk room to put it in.

Anyone pls correct me if I have a detail wrong, this is how I understand this module up to now.

Good to know… I will look into this once I get them. Right now I only have one branded SmartThings.

I believe you can simply not discover the zwave part so you will not see it if you do not need the repeater functionality. Given I changed all switches in my house to zwave ones I do not need repeaters so I do not plan on adding the zwave side to avoid clutter as you said.

Judging by the Event List, it doesn’t seem to be a very chatty device. I turned the device on and off a couple times in these past few minutes and all messages are shown below. If you look at the time stamps it seems to be a very “quiet” device - at least compared to others I have.

Date Source Type Name Value User Displayed Text
2016-11-22 4:27:02.568 PM CST
moments ago DEVICE power 0 Marco’s Bedroom White Noise power is 0 Watts
2016-11-22 4:27:02.465 PM CST
moments ago DEVICE switch off Marco’s Bedroom White Noise is Off
2016-11-22 4:21:24.649 PM CST
6 minutes ago DEVICE power 19 Marco’s Bedroom White Noise power is 19 Watts
2016-11-22 4:21:23.617 PM CST
6 minutes ago DEVICE power 16.2 Marco’s Bedroom White Noise power is 16.2 Watts
2016-11-22 4:21:22.905 PM CST
6 minutes ago DEVICE switch on Marco’s Bedroom White Noise is On
2016-11-22 4:21:21.859 PM CST
6 minutes ago DEVICE power 0 Marco’s Bedroom White Noise power is 0 Watts
2016-11-22 4:21:21.778 PM CST
6 minutes ago DEVICE switch off Marco’s Bedroom White Noise is Off
2016-11-22 4:21:19.634 PM CST
6 minutes ago DEVICE power 19 Marco’s Bedroom White Noise power is 19 Watts
2016-11-22 4:21:18.629 PM CST
6 minutes ago DEVICE power 21.8 Marco’s Bedroom White Noise power is 21.8 Watts
2016-11-22 4:21:17.636 PM CST
6 minutes ago DEVICE power 2.8 Marco’s Bedroom White Noise power is 2.8 Watts
2016-11-22 4:21:17.536 PM CST
6 minutes ago DEVICE switch on Marco’s Bedroom White Noise is On
2016-11-22 7:00:00.309 AM CST
9 hours ago APP_COMMAND off

What device type are you using? The custom device type was updated long ago to stop the over updating issue. The plug pairs and works as ST SmartPower outlet.

for these I just use the default found device, mostly for its repeater function, or infrequently for a switched load since they are too annoying.

You do mean “custom device type”, not the default device type? I think that I did read 1-2 people tweaked it, but I did not want another custom device type just for a plug-in at the time. Too many other plug-in’s just work fine.

I have like 8 of these and they suck.
Batteries last a few months.

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