Samsung shp dr 708 wifi door lock.. does not work with smart things?

The smartest door lock by Samsung is not smart enough to work with smart things… this is a joke lol anyone have any luck linking to smart things. I emailed Samsung they said it doesn’t work… anyone have any luck with it


What a timely message. I just installed my SHP-DR708 and can’t get the app to work. I was shocked when my old Ezon keys (nfc) aren’t supported even though the door has a “key” logo on it… I found the correct app online, “Samsung Smart Doorlock”. I can make an account and go through the motions of setting it up. However I am getting geo-blocked which is ridiculous. I have setup a wireless node with a VPN to both Korea and Singapore and the app fails to register the door saying “the door lock model does not support the country”.

The only thing tied to my account that would still not be in the right country is my phone number. So maybe you need a Korean account?

I don’t know. At this point I spent a bunch of money, modified my door, and have been downgraded from my previous lock as I can’t even give out keys to people. Hopefully you will have some luck

Choose shp dr 900 when selecting the door

Yes that’s what I do. I select it, I connect to it’s WiFi, it does something for a minute, and then an error that door lock doesn’t support the country.

Does this mean you got yours working? May I ask what country you’re in and/or what phone-# you used to verify your account?

I am from Singapore… the app supports English now. The door has 2 version one English one Korea.

I use my +65 number

So after you enroll with a +65 Singapore number, the app works and the lock works? If so, I will have to pick up a Singaporian SIM for activation. I have the English/Chinese version. Even though I connected it to a dedicated VPN to Singapore it still refused to enable it, so it is probably the country setting of the phone…

Try a china number then since it’s chinese

I’m actually replacing it completely as it just doesn’t work. It keeps locking up. The open/close button led blinks on and off and there is no way to open the door from the outside. On the inside it doesn’t open by pressing the button only by turning the manual knob but then it never will lock again when the door is shut. Have to remove the batteries for it to reset. Has happened daily now since installation. I have a long history with these locks in many form factors. After over a decade of spending large sums on Samsung locks, I’m abandoning them for a different brand. The last two locks were duds and not worth the investment.

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Same Story Here…
Bought DR708 from China and try to setup in New Zealand - no luck!

Tried the following;

  1. NZ number - country restriction message when setup!
  2. Singapore number - country restriction message when setup!
  3. China number - country restriction message when setup!
  4. South Korea number - country restriction message when setup!

Haven’t tried VPN but since some in the comments above mentioned its not working - no use…

Any workaround or anyone got lucky? Please share…


So anyone figure out how to add this to smartthings?

I have the exact problem. Have to remove batteries and screws. Then it works for a few days. I still can not get anyone to tel me how to register the rfid tags. Will never ever buy Samsung again! No support from them at all!

To be fair, Samsung door locks generally work. This is the first one I’ve got that doesn’t. The first one I got almost 10 years ago still works flawlessly. I have lots of these and this particular model appears to have some issues. Mine is sitting in a box as garbage and I have a ZTech installed now. Which works flawlessly, even the facial recognition.


Hi guys,

I just found a way to operate the wifi option (outside china, korea, etc), after almost a year, I just tried an option and it worked perfectly for me, I’ve been using it for a week, and I can’t complain …

I bought a Wi-Fi amplifier, Chinese, of the Xiaomi brand, to which I have given a different name to that of my WIFI, and I have connected the lock at this ´new wifi´… and BINGO! It works perfectly,

Apparently the lock recognizes the network from the Chinese device …

I hope it helps!

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Hi, Fabián! Great finding! Could you please tell me the model of the Xiaomi Wifi amplifier you bought?

Hi Ber.san,

The model is: Xiaomi wifi repeater pro, I send you a photo of the product attached!

NOTE: It is important that the Xiaomi Reapeter has a name DIFFERENT from the home wifi, in order to connect the smartlock here.

Any questions please let me know,

Best regards,

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Thank you so much, Fabian!

I have that exact model but I’m still being geo-blocked by the Samsung app. The name of the new network it’s different because the Xiaomi added “_plus” ending to the original name. I’ll try changing the name of the network to a complete different one.

Anyway, any further tips, like using a VPN on the phone, deactivating internet data on the phone, etc, etc.

I’ll send you a six pack if you help me get it right jajaja. It would be awesome!

Would it be too much to ask to connect on WhatsApp? So you can walk my through it step by step.

Anyone manage to get this to connect to smartthings