Samsung Doorlock SHP-DP920 or DP728

Has anyone integrated these devices with Smartthings? Are they compatible in the US?

I am considering ordering one of them for my door.


These Locks do not support Z-wave nor ZigBee. On their website it says they are bluetooth, pretty sure that you cant conect directly to these locks through Smartthings. Sorry :frowning:

I think they do support Z-Wave, it is on the manual. That is why I was wondering if someone is using it.


Gotta say, I’m souring on Samsung as a company. Clearly as an ST user I have a vested interest in their continuity, but frankly their customer service sucks at every level.

Just last month I had an amazing customer service experience with another company**. I called them to purchase a replacement for a part that died after a decade of good service, long after the warranty expired. Know what they did? They sent it to me FOR FREE. At their insistence! I installed it, and the item is now good as new.

Then yesterday I do an online chat with Samsung. Wife has one of their smart watches, and the charger refuses to clip into the back so it will not charge. Been like that a few months. Turns out this is a known, widespread problem… clearly a DESIGN problem. I contact Samsung to get them to replace it. They insist that because the watch is out of warranty for two weeks, they cannot replace the part and I have to purchase it. When I try to politely insist, the chat guy ENDS THE SESSION. Just drops me.

I’m thankful that the new TV I purchased last weekend is not Samsung.
And I hope that Samsung spins off SmartThings, and a decent company picks it up.

**Definitive Technologies. They make awesome gear, and they stand behind it.

So these locks do seem to be Z-Wave but it appears that they are only certified in South Korea. South Korea’s Z-Wave frequency is different than the US or UK so SmartThings would not work with them.

You may get the additional Z-wave module from another company which Samsung SDS do not have it. And the door lock must be DP728 and upgraded for its compatibility.

Any luck using this kind of doorlock?