Samsung Range SmartThings Stay Connect - Alexa

I bought my Samsung range under the impression this would work with Alexa (as advertised). I got my range connected to Smart Things and then added Smart Things to my Alexa app, only to find out that in order for Alexa to actually be able to do anything, Smart Control needs to be enabled. Well… Smart Control turns off all the time (any time the oven door is opened in fact, and sometimes just randomly for no reason). I read in a Samsung Community Forum from 2021 that there used to be a Stay Connect button that would enable Smart Control to stay on ALL the time and not turn off. What’s the point of me walking over to my range, pressing the Smart Control button, and then asking Alexa to preheat the oven? Why wouldn’t I just preheat it myself at that point? It’s kinda false advertising that this range is compatible with Alexa if this is the case…

Unfortunately this is the intended behavior. I also have a Samsung range connected to Alexa. It is a safety thing. You have to enable Smart Control and then also confirm the preheat. Nothing is done without explicit interaction.