Samsung Multiroom webCoRE

How did you get it to work? I have been having the same issue, I don’t get any sound

Play your chosen radio station on the Sonos device. Go to your IDE, browse for the Sonos device, now look for the TrackURI and this will give you the url you need.

would you please be able to help me set up a piston to increase and decrease the volume on this device?

thank you

I am suddenly getting errors thrown when using piston from code “jkg9”:

Error while executing physical command Høytaler Bad.playTrack([]): groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: physicalgraph.device.CommandService$_isLocalhostAction_closure4.doCall() is applicable for argument types: (physicalgraph.device.HubMultiAction) values: [physicalgraph.device.HubMultiAction@15cc1803] Possible solutions: doCall(physicalgraph.device.HubAction), call(), call(Ljava.lang.Object;), call(java.lang.Object), call(physicalgraph.device.HubAction), findAll()

(“Høytaler.Bad” is my name for a samsung speaker, name means “Speaker Bathroom”… )

Any tips or upgrades?

I need some assistance in getting webcore to tell Kodi (my DNLA) to play a playlist. Of course, I can use Play Track. But as far as I know there is not a Play Playlist command in webcore. Any thoughts?

Solved it.
It seems one of the speakers glitched out and needed a hard reset.

Trying to figure out how to change the input on my Samsung Soundbar (HW-Q70T) that’s connected to my Samsung Q65FN tv (2018)

With the default DTH, I’ve figured out that for the custom command setInputSource() the parameter string values of “digital”, “wifi”, and “bluetooth” work. However “hdmi”, “hdmi1”, “arc”, “”, “din”, “tv”, “tv1”, “television” and “optical” do not work.

“digital” sets it to the D.IN/TV ARC input.
I’ve got one last input called “HDMI” on the device, but am running out of ideas of words to use to activate it.

On the same note, my tv doesn’t respond to any commands. Anyone have any luck controlling their Samsung tv inputs with webCoRE? Or even Alexa?

Long shot but have you tried “video”

No dice. I’ve don’t lots of searching but not sure if there’s some sort of list of parameters, or a way to see how the soundbar is integrated. I’m assuming since it’s Samsung it’s no longer a groovy handler. Not sure if it’s still open source.

I knew it was a long shot. I’ve seen my sony hdmi ports referred to as video1, video2, etc. So I thought I would mention it. Good luck! I have no other ideas.

Below is a list of the valid inputs:


The one you are looking for is ARC (HDMI out or HDMI. If the DTH is my original DTH (no longer supported since I no longer use my hub), you would need to modify the below method in the DTH as indicated below. Then run a Save Preferences. Not sure how this works any more on the IDE. The source would be Optical for TV-ARC (it is D-In and the soundbar auto-converts).

> def getSources() {
> 	def model = getDataValue("model")
> 	def sources = [:]
> 		switch(model) {
> 			case "HW-MS650":
> 			case "HW-MS6500":
> //	Add line below.  
> 			case "HW-Q70T":
> 				sources = ["wifi","bt","aux","optical","hdmi"]
> 	 			break
> 			case "HW-MS750":
> 			case "HW-MS7500":
> 				sources = ["wifi", "bt", "aux", "optical", "hdmi1", "hdmi2"]
> 				break
> 			case "HW-J8500":
> 			case "HW-J7500":
> 			case "HW-J650":
> 			case "HW-H750":
> 			case "HW-K650":
>  					sources = ["wifi", "bt", "soundshare", "aux", "optical", "usb", "hdmi"]
>  				break
> 			default:
> 				sources = ["wifi","bt","soundshare"]
> 				break
> 	}
> 	state.sources = sources
> }

Thanks. Actually I am using the default Samsung integration with the new app, and whatever handler that is. I think it’s cloud based, because I couldn’t find the code of it for the life of me. However, I got some help on facebook to the same question and was pointed in the direction of using webCoRE to identify the terms to use. (thanks @orangebucket !)

I realized that if I try to make a comparison in an if statement using the soundbar, the drop down list shows me a bunch of custom attributes, including one called supportedInputSources. I didn’t know how to utilize that, but Graham pointed me in the right direction…Write an expression somewhere (I used the Evaluation Console) so it says [Soundbar:supportedInputSources] and it just lists out exactly what I was looking for. Makes me feel silly that I spent hours of trial and error trying to guess what terms I needed to use. Anyway, here’s the output. HDMI1 is the last one I was looking for. I’m almost positive I had tried that at some point, with all caps, but I guess not.

(expression) [Soundbar:supportedInputSources] »»» (string) ["digital","HDMI1","bluetooth","wifi"]