Samsung Family Hub + ZigBee Dongle + Motion Sensors = not working

Is anyone successfully using this setup - the new hub integrated in the Samsung refrigerator plus Samsung’s Zigbee USB dongle?

It works fine for (most) lights. I have some Sylvania and Sengled bulbs that I can control.

I have tried three different types of motion sensors now (Securifi, ThirdReality and Ikea). All can be paired. But whenever I check in the SmartThings app, I get varying messages of not being able to connect (e.g., with the Ikea sensor it’s “Couldn’t get device’s status”).

(For both ThirdReality and Ikea I tried the vanilla edge drivers as well as Mariano’s channel. Same result.)

I can confirm that the ThirdReality motion sensors work very well with the regular SmartThings hubs.

Several people, myself included, have been having issues with the Ikea motion sensors recently.

There’s been a fair bit of instability on the platform the last couple weeks, so what you’re seing might be related to that.

yeah, ikea motion sensors in particular are very suspect right now. What firmware version is shown for the hub in the mobile app?

Side note: you’re the first person i’ve seen running this setup. Out of curiosity, if you create a simple routine like “IF motion, THEN turn on light” does it show the little house icon indicating it runs local?

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Side note: you’re the first person i’ve seen running this setup.

Well, yeah, I think it was a mistake - it being somewhat advertised by Samsung (in the last big Family Hub update), I thought it was an easy way to get some local stuff done (wifi having quite a bit of latency) - but never trust Samsung here :frowning: . I also expected the fridge to have way better integration, in general. Like use it as a speaker, at least. But no, all you can control is whether the freezer is on and what the fridge temp is. Seriously…

What firmware version is shown for the hub in the mobile app


I think I saw in the IDE logs that it got the early-October update and was rebooted.

The motion sensor driver is tagged for 10/25.

Out of curiosity, if you create a simple routine like “IF motion, THEN turn on light” does it show the little house icon indicating it runs local?

Yes, does. But since there is no activity, it doesn’t work.

Both automatically use the Zigbee Motion Sensor driver, so being Edge, I’d assume it should be local. Surprisingly though, while I see the expected placeholder in the IDE it says execution is Cloud.

I started using the cli, and I am wondering what to trust. My lights all report as LOCAL in the IDE, but the cli says the type is DTH?

For the sensors, “Provisioning State” says TYPED. I can’t find documentation to understand what that means (Google isn’t helpful).

The status has usually no or next to no values.

ThirdReality sensor:

 Capability      Attribute               Value 
 motionSensor    motion                        
 battery         battery                       
 firmwareUpdate  lastUpdateStatusReason        
 firmwareUpdate  availableVersion              
 firmwareUpdate  lastUpdateStatus              
 firmwareUpdate  state                         
 firmwareUpdate  currentVersion                
 firmwareUpdate  lastUpdateTime 


 Capability      Attribute               Value             
 motionSensor    motion                                    
 battery         battery                                   
 firmwareUpdate  lastUpdateStatusReason                    
 firmwareUpdate  availableVersion        "20022623"        
 firmwareUpdate  lastUpdateStatus                          
 firmwareUpdate  state                   "normalOperation" 
 firmwareUpdate  currentVersion          "20022623"        
 firmwareUpdate  lastUpdateTime     

It sounds like your lights are using a Groovy DTH and the motion sensors are using a Edge Driver. That might be expected at this point of the Edge transition.

This is expected for Edge drivers. The Groovy IDE doesn’t know what they are since they aren’t Groovy.

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The IDE is part of the old architecture and will be discontinued during the transition. If a device says “placeholder” it is already using the new architecture, and the information shown will be incomplete or inaccurate. Anything using an edge driver is running locally. But the IDE may not know that.

FAQ: Why does the IDE list “placeholder” for my device? Can I change that?

Unrelated to my problem, just trying to see how bad the transition might go: But why does it say Local in the IDE for Groovy? I thought that’s all Samsung cloud stuff?

Some legacy Groovy DTH ran local

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Tried with another Tradfri device, an outlet. Same thing, pairs fine, then can’t connect.

Seems basically no Edge driver works on the Family Hub hub. Load of …