Ring security questions

Anyone plan on getting this? I want to but it seems it will only work with Ring sensors. I already have a few Smart Things sensors and don’t want multiple in the same place.
Wondering if the Smart Things hub will be able to recognize the Ring sensors and have them do double duty of Ring security but also automation through Smart Things.
Any thoughts?

From what I’m aware the only intergration with SmartThings is for the doorbell, not heard anything further.

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I have it, currently there is no integration with ST. You cannot have sensors be a part of multiple different z-wave networks at the same time. Ring has said that IFTTT integration may come later as well as other integrations but that is most likely the only way you’ll get it to trigger things in ST.

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Sorry i’m new here and to ST and home automation so I may not fully understand the question. Currently i’m using the motion sensor on my Ring Doorbell Pro with the RBoy Intruder alert app to auto turn on my porch lights when it detects motion. then I use a routine to turn the lights back off after a period of time when no motion is detected. This only happens at night during a time frame i set.

I believe he is referring to the Ring Alarm Home Security System https://shop.ring.com/pages/security-system. I just got this on Tuesday, it is great, setup was very easy, has Wifi and Ethernet capabilities, controllable via the app, and has cell phone backup. For $100 you get a year of professional monitoring which will dispatch emergency services if needed.

Ok, that’s the good news, bad news is it is “walled garden” Z-Wave hub, so pretty much the same as my SmartThings Hub. You can add additional Z-Wave devices to it, but only the Ring branded ones will dispatch emergency services. So say you add a generic Z-wave contact sensor to a door, if a burgler opens that door, Ring will know it is open, but will not dispatch emergency services for it.

The other bad news is when things are paired to Ring, they cannot necessarily be “paired” to SmartThings. So basically every door and window in my house now has two contact sensors, one for SmartThings and one for Ring.

The integration I think @livan126 is looking for is similar to what SmartThings has with ADT. Where the systems can talk to one another, where SmartThings can Arm/Disable the security, be alerted when the siren is off, etc. I would love this integration as well. Would love to be able to walk out of my house, house knows I’m away, locks all my doors, turns off all my lights and music, arms the security system. That would be great.

As of right now, there is no way to do this. Please, please, please, someone write a SmartApp or Device Handler? The only thing I have gotten working right now is using the Ring Alarm’s email notifications, I have some rules setup that will forward those email notifications to IFTTT, which then trigger some basic functionality. My webCoRE now knows the state of my Ring Alarm system, but nothing more.

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My proposed hack remains the same for all of these “non-integrated” systems.

  1. Leave Ring enabled all the time.
  2. Don’t use any of its sensors … except 1.
  3. Have that 1 sensor triggered by a “Switch” from SmartThings using SHM or Smart Lighting (so that it is local).

How can a “Switch” trigger a Ring Sensor? … Electromagnet.


This is brilliant. Any suggestion on which electromagnet to use? I briefly looked at the 120v ones available, but they seem like total overkill (150 - 200 lbs of pull).

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Honestly… I’d start by testing with a 3v AA battery with a wire wrapped around an iron nail!

Work your way up to 9v or 12v if necessary.

Then you’ll see how little is actually required.

(Shorting out a 3v DC battery power supply is not advisable due to heat buildup, but fine for a very short test to see if the contact sensor indicates closed vs open).

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Having some luck with these solutions! See https://streamable.com/a2khi for a prototype in action.

Was using a konnected.io board to connect to my hardwired security system to SmartThings. It can provide a 12V DC relay via it’s alarm out. Configured this as a momentary switch in SmartThings to go off when intrusion is detected.

Connected this relay to a 12V push/pull solenoid electromagnet (many on Amazon) with a small magnet at the tip. Mount close to a Ring Contact Sensor and let the push/pull mechanism trigger the reed sensor.

Last, combine this with asishrs’ API integration to arm/disarm the panel and you can effectively use the Ring Alarm system as a monitoring solution for SmartThings.

Some work left to do with the trigger speed and the magnet placement. Also need a protection mechanism as the solenoid doesn’t like to be on for more than a few seconds at a time.

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I spent about 3 hours attempting to implement your solution. I had no experience with AWS and I’m fairly certain that is where I am failing to execute on your instructions.

I felt comfortable using your walkthrough to setup an AWS account, creating the function, API, and API Key.

Logging in and discovering the information needed for the Ring Location ID and ZID was super easy.

The only thing that didn’t happen per your instructions was I had to manually create the Ring Alarm device within the smartthings IDE, which your documentation didn’t notate. My concern is that I had to create a device ID when I added in the device.

The app’s behavior is that it accepted my settings in the COG wheel, but never changes the state of the alarm, and does not accurately reflect the current state. I probably have messed up some simple detail. Would you mind helping me troubleshoot the issue? When I started my journey of smartthings I was hoping a solution such as this would be available, and discovering that you were able to implement one was amazing.

I did attempt using the “get” function in AWS to attempt to use your code to receive a response using my specific settings and believe I was only receiving a “520” error. This might be my deficiency.

Thank you!!!

From your explanation, looks like the API is not responding with valid data. Can you share the full HTTP response details? (please remove any keys or tokens before sharing).

You can check that by following 'Test Lambda` section on documentation.

I am testing this app and I am getting internal server error when I run the curl command.

{“message”: “Internal server error”}

Can you please help troubleshoot?

Sorry…My mistake. I selected Node.js 8 instead of Java 8. After selecting Java 8, I get “message off” from curl. The app is working fine from ST. This was lot of work you put in. Amazing…


Hey Guys,

So, I’m a Windows / .Net guy. (Apologies.) I don’t have curl, I have PowerShell. asishrs’ instructions were quite good and I made it all the way thru to the “Test Lambda” section. I think I finally got curl reasonably translated to PowerShell, but seem to be unable to get it all to work correctly. Here’s what I’m seeing:

Any thoughts / suggestions / words of wisdom?



Feel free to ignore my previous question – I got it working…

michael30404 talked about creating the device manually. So, I tried to do that, assuming there would be a type called “RingAlarm” or some such. Well, I was unable to find it, except when I decided NOT to look alphabetically. :smile: It was at the bottom of the list.

Then I followed the rest of asishrs’ direction and finished the device setup fully believing that my efforts would be in vain. I then pushed Away in the ST Classic app – smirked to myself – and waited for the inevitable mental timeout. Before I could count to three, the Away Red Ring started blinking! I was like, “Oh my gosh” (sorta) and did my happy dance.

So, much thanks to Asishrs for all the time and effort. It does work. It just takes a lot persistence and a certain amount of faith. :smile:


Thanks for letting me know!

Asishrs: Wonderful job. It does take some effort because creating AWS account and configuring everything can be intimidating and I did make a mistake initially, but once it works, it works wonderfully. Thanks again…

I found an easier way using either a Konnected board or wiring directly to the Ring Contact Sensor without the use of a magnet/electromagnet/solenoid/relays.

If you open up the Ring Contact Sensor, look at the board and you’ll find 5 open pads: +, G, V, O, C. Solder a wire to Ground, then another to either V, O, or C, depending upon how you want it wired.

Wire to V - connect to Konnected board and configure Konnected as a 3V trigger. When voltage is applied, Ring Sensor goes to closed state. When voltage is removed, sensor goes to Open state. Develop a routine to trigger this as desired (have mine set to always apply voltage, then remove voltage when a sensor is tripped). With this I can effectively use ANY device on SmartThings to trigger Ring Alarm.

Wire to C - skip Konnected board (and SmartThings integration). This is for a normally closed sensor/device. Normally closed sensor will change to open when circuit is broken (i.e. door/window open).

Wire to O - skip Konnected board (and SmartThings integration). This is for normally open sensor/device. Normally open sensor will change to open when circuit is completed.

Will post some pics in a new thread in the coming days.

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Hi PhantomSpice, this may be slightly off topic, but kind of relates to what you’re saying and you sound like you may know the answer: if I buy a Z-Wave deadbolt for my front door and I add it to my Ring alarm hub, does that remove the ability for me to add it to my SmartThings hub? I want to be able to control it through both methods so I can A) Unlock the door through the Ring app easily (for example, to let people in quickly when I see them on the doorbell camera) and B) Unlock it through SmartThings, or Google Home (via SmartThings), etc. Are the two capabilities (controlling it via the Ring app and controlling it via SmartThings) mutually exclusive?