Replace Hub/Hub Migration Tool

I have two hubs, a v2 and v3. The v2 is my main hub with 150+ devices and all of my scenes and routines. I had purchased the v3 hub as a replacement but never got around to migrating my stuff as I didn’t want to invest the hours/days it would take to move everything manually. Note my v2 hub is still working good, with no issues. But the other day I was poking around and found this Hub Migration Tool under Replace Hub. I was wondering if anyone has used it and to what level of success. If this will make the migration seamless I would move to the v3.

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Interesting. Where did you find the replace hub option?

This kind of looks like the one that was mentioned a couple of years ago but then withdrawn,

@JDRoberts , you got any recollection of that?

Select your hub then select the three dot’s on the top right side.

I remember it, but support had to start it, you couldn’t do it yourself. This is very interesting, for sure. :thinking:

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Interesting indeed. I do not have that option for my Aeotec hub, but i also dont have another V2, v3 or aeotec hub added to my location. Only a Smartthings station.

I have 2 hubs in 1 location and neither has the Replace hub.

I have two v2 hubs at 2 separate locations and I don’t have that option. I am using the Android app.

There is a hubReplaceAvailability characteristic for hubs. It can be seen in the Advanced Web App and is also exposed in the /devices and /installed-hubs endpoints for the hubs for those using other tools.

My v2 hubs running 48.5 do not have this characteristic at all.

My v2 hub running 49.8 does have the characteristic but it is set to Unavailable.

I don’t see the hub replace option so this isn’t diagnostic, but I rather suspect it isn’t coincidental.


I don’t see it in the Android app either but did notice a ‘migration tool enabled’ flag set to true against the hub in the new web interface a few days ago… however I just looked again and it seems to have disappeared…


Bit late now isnt it ? Unless it could be used for backup and restore ?


Interesting. Android or iOS and what version of the app?

The menu pop-up in my Android app, version, doesn’t look like that. It pops up in the upper right.

iOS pops up from the bottom

On iPhone it does. On iPad, it is upper right of screen.


From the How To page in the mobile app.


On my devices the notice just says ‘SmartThings’ for the hubs that don’t support Z-Wave, and do they really mean ‘More > SmartThings’ and ‘tap SmartThings’ or are those placeholders they haven’t updated?

So has anyone had any success with the tool since the OP posted?

I too have a functioning V2 with the Replace Hub option. I would like to go to the V3 which I’ve been too lazy to migrate manually.

I’d like to hear from someone who has tried it.

Thanks! Good post.

I saw a FB posting on the SmartThings User Group where someone did the V2 → V3 hub transfer successfully.

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My V2 (purchased very early upon introduction) was locking up infrequently so this week I bought an Aeotec / V3.
Migration went smoothly, but there were a few very small issues I’ve noticed:

  1. When migrating the screen said “migrating 63 of 60 devices”… considering I have almost 100, I panicked but in the end everything appears to have migrated.
  2. I’ve a samsung button that seems to be recognized but no longer works. I need to debug; I wonder if it’s because it’s a battery device that was idle / sleeping during the migration.
  3. Drivers were migrated, but channels were not. Document your channel URLs prior to migration.

Also note that the old hub WILL automatically be formatted when the process is done so I can’t go back and check anything.

Lastly, I only have the replace hub option if there are multiple hubs on the account, that includes the virtual hub or any new physical hubs.