This device handler supports the Z-Wave and Z-Wave Plus devices. Support has also been added for v1 and v2 hub fingerprinting for easy identification. Ideally install the Device Handler BEFORE pairing the device for easy setup. It reports the freeze warning as a temperature (0C / 32F) so that is is compatible with other SmartApps for temperature based actions.
Support for v1 and v2 hub fingerprinting for easy identification
Ideally install the Device Handler BEFORE pairing the device for easy setup.
More features to added, if you have any suggestions or ideas please feel free to ask and we’ll try to add it.
The device does not report temperature, it only reports freeze or normal events. The device handler reports the freeze warning as a 0C /32F and normal as 23C / 74F (automatically determines the temperature scale) for ease of use with SmartThings and SmartApps.
INCLUSION INSTRUCTIONS: It is recommended to install the Device Handler BEFORE paring the device for easier setup.
Bring device within 5 of hub
Remove the battery from the sensor
To pair the device, Select Add New Device from the MarketPlace on your ST phone app
Insert the battery into the sensor. The sensor automatically enters inclusion/exclusion mode when powered on (when battery is added). The LED should start blinking slowly.
It should complete pairing within 30 seconds
If the LED starts blinking continuously, the sensor has failed inclusion, check distance from the hub. Remove the battery for 10 seconds and start over.
If the device doesn’t pair successfully (LED is not blinking slowly), try to exclude it first before trying to pair it (see below)
EXCLUSION INSTRUCTIONS: If you deleted the device without excluding it won’t pair up again until you exclude it.
Set the hub into exclude mode (log into the IDE → My Hub → View Utilities → Z-Wave Exclude.
Bring device within 5 ft of hub
Remove the battery from the sensor
Put hub into exclusion mode
Insert the battery into the sensor. The sensor automatically enters inclusion/exclusion mode when powered on (when battery is added).
The device should exclude itself from the network
LED Status
The state of the LED will change based on the state of the sensor:
Device not included = Light breathing (slow blink)
Flood Detected = Single LED blink
Freeze Detected = Single LED blink
Tamper/Case Opened = LED will remain on while case open
FACTORY RESET: The Flood Freeze sensor factory defaults on network exclusion
( - Making SmartThings Easy!)
That’s correct, assuming you’re on F, if you’re on C, set it to 0 (freezing temp of water).
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( - Making SmartThings Easy!)
You may want to verify how your SmartApp works. Will it notify when the temperature goes below 32F or at 32F? Since the device handler will only report 32F at freezing, it may be safer to configure the app at 33F
I’ll test it when I have physical access to the device. I’ll set one at 35 degrees and one at 32 for now. That should cover all the bases until I have had a chance to test it.
Thanks for the continual integration of new, cool, Device Handlers and SmartApps! Quick question on the below:
Just trying to fully understand this… Not sure what you mean when you say: ?
Also, and as an FYI, the Amazon website says the freeze sensor triggers at 41DegF. If that is indeed the case, I think the better way to set this up is to make the freeze warning send a 41deg temp back to the hub. Thoughts?
( - Making SmartThings Easy!)
There is no specific capability for “freeze” in SmartThings so the handle has been adapted to report freezing temperature when the device sends a freeze event. Freezing temperature or water is 0C or 32F. The handler will automatically determine which temperature scale your hub is using and report the value accordingly. This number is easier for folks to remember than using the 41F provided by the documentation hence it is being used. The idea is to report the freeze event in a way that SmartApps can use it.
Ran into an issue last night.
I changed the name of the device in the device info.
It immediately reported from freeze to normal (it’s in my chest freezer) after I hit save.
It would not return to freeze after 30 minutes.
I had to pull it out of freezer. Let it thaw. 5 minutes. Then put it back in freezer and in 5 minutes it triggered freezing again.
I ASSUME this is bc for the st readout change it would need to trigger, send a message, and then it would update.
Is there a way you can set the default status from freezing or normal in your handler and we can then select which state we will be using it in so that we don’t have to to this dance?
I have not look at the code you wrote so I don’t know what you have going.
I do believe the status change send signal is a hardware limition but it can be modeled around with your code.
Any help?
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( - Making SmartThings Easy!)
You’re correct, when the device preferences are update (which includes the name) the DTH was resetting the temperature and freeze sensor values (to mimic a new install).
Patched it up, in version 01.00.01 it won’t reset the values if it’s already initialized. Now you can change your settings/name etc and it will maintain the current state.
EDIT: BTW neat way to use it. Sounds like you’re using it to check if the freezer thaws out indicating a power failure or potential damage to the stuff in the environment.
( - Making SmartThings Easy!)
Ecolink Z-Wave Plus Flood and Freeze Sensor - v01.00.01
Don’t reset temperature and freeze sensor values when the device settings are updated
Yes. I tested it to make sure it would transmit through my freezers. And seemed to be good like other said.
I have half a cow and more in one freezer and an additional freezer. 30 bucks warning in failure of tempature is more than worth the price to me. I already have a energy monitor but that’s not the real symptom I want to monitor. Temp is.
Is there any way to modify the device handler to report the actual temp as well as a freeze event or unfreeze event?
I can’t believe that there is literally no device out there that has a remote temp sensor to report the temp inside a fridge or freezer. This is sooo close.
( - Making SmartThings Easy!)
The device doesn’t report temperature so there’s no way to show the actual temp, it only reports when it’s freezing or not (see first post)
Close like you said but we’ve used other temperature sensors in the freezer with reasonable success like this one, with the added advantage of the motion sensor if positioned properly. Keep in mind it’s not “designed” for a freezer but in our tests it did work with 9/10 devices (one of them showed a totally incorrect figure). [RELEASE] Official Monoprice Motion Sensor with Temperature, Tamper and Battery Device Handler
Do you think the code could me modified to alert me if the temp goes above 40 and below 32?
( - Making SmartThings Easy!)
It already does as explained in the first post, it reports 2 temperatures based on the device state:
When it’s freezing it reports 32F otherwise it reports 74F. So you can create a simple automation rule to notify you if the temperature is above 32F (normal) or when it 32F (freezing).
At first had trouble pairing this device, but after excluding and tapping the tamper a couple of times it included/paired. note that it did not self include when installing the battery.
( - Making SmartThings Easy!)
Ecolink Z-Wave Plus Flood and Freeze Sensor - v02.00.00
Support for new ST app and new platform capabilities