Reg Smartthings product testing (direct-connected) procedure with X.509 certificate

We started working on WWST-STDK direct-connected device registering in the smartthings developer workspace.
We found the key generation procedures for ED25519 based authentication to register the device. But we want to use the X.509 authentication procedure for device registering. So, please share the procedures/documents/videos available to use the X.509 authentication and how to generate the required .pem file to upload.

In the WWST security details document we found the X.509 certifications will be provided by Samsung. Please help with the procedures to understand this.

@nayelyz should be able to help

Please help with the case.

Hi, @vivek_Blaze
I checked with the engineering team and they mentioned only the option of ED25519 is accepted. Is there a particular reason why you can’t use this option?