I’m aware of the innovelli light switches with scene capability, but are there any other wall switches than anyone can recommend compatible with ST?
I believe the Zooz switches do as well, at least the new dual dimmer/relay does (18 of them). Tagging @TheSmartestHouse for more info on Zooz.
Zooz ZEN27 dimmer and ZEN26 switch have central scene capability with the correct firmware level.
Keep in mind that you’ll need to run the custom DTH to get that feature. Which means you’ll have cloud-based execution.
Personally, I prioritize the speed of local execution over the ability to trigger a scene by multi-tapping switches. I create my scenes in the new app and trigger them via Alexa. But choice is good.
Regarding the zooz “device handler” required for scene control, I’m using the “new” ST app, are these handlers compatible, or are they just for the classic app? I’m a former wink user, I’m not into much “programming” and all that. I don’t even know anything about DHs.
Are the inovelli scene switches out of the box ST functional? That might be more my bag if so…
I sue a Cooper Aspire RFWC5. It’s PRIMARILY only a Zwave Secondary controller. So it supports direct manipulation of Zwave scenes and devices by associations including dimming functions via press and hold. (works great for direct manipulation and offline control of my Graber (sprins) blinds) The cool part is Scott Ainsworth added a ST DTH on top of it so that you can program it through SmartThings, read the button states and even react to button presses to automate other Smartthings items such as Scenes through webcore.
So I get the best of both worlds. The buttons of my controller are associated with
- ALL dining room blinds (Zwave Association)
- Top row of Dining room blinds (Zwave Association)
- Bottom Row of Dining room blinds (Zwave Association)
- Close all doors (Webcore Piston)
- Goodnight (Webcore Piston)
The button to the right of the device is an all off to any device directly associated so it ends up being an all close to the blinds.
The blinds controls work offline because of ZWave Association.
It’s somewhat misleading to consider that as a feature because smartthings as a platform does not support Zwave central scenes. So you have to have custom code for it anyway and essentially the switch is just going to be treated as a multi button device. That is, the custom code will take the scene code and make them look like different button presses to smartthings.
Central scene capability in a device is still useful, because it means that you can capture the multiple tap patterns very efficiently. I just want to make sure you understand what it is that you’re getting.
In addition, there are some devices that can accomplish the same end result without supporting central scene capability if they support multiple association groups.
So having said that, there are quite a few devices that can handle multiple tap patterns.
Some Zooz models
Some Homeseer models
Some GE Enbrighten models
I believe the homeseer models actually support the most different number of scenes in a rocker switch, but then there are so many that they are not going to be intuitive for guests. Nobody’s going to remember the difference between 4 taps and five taps if they’re just visiting for the afternoon.
So there are quite a few choices.
That’s a local scene controller. Not a central scene control, which is a different commandset in zwave.
The “ Central“ in “central scene command“ means that the switch communicates to the hub and then the hub decides what to do based on the code that was sent.
A zwave local scene controller bypasses the hub, most commonly with direct association.
There are pluses and minuses to both approaches, but the central version is newer and is in part a response to the use of smart phones and apps. The advantage of sending the commands via the hub is it then the hub has up-to-date state on everything and so a mobile app will also show up to date state. With local scene controllers, sometimes the hub is unaware of the local device’s state, at least temporarily.
I’m not saying it can’t be a good choice, it is a good choice for many set ups, but it does work somewhat differently and it’s important to be aware of the differences.
You are of course correct JD, Although - I don’t need Central scene controllers because of how ST doesn’t handle them and I don’t have your unique requirements. Still - important distinction and thank you as always for sharing your expertise.
(Really I don’t know how you go through these so dang fast…)
I think the issue most commonly arises when people want to control zigbee devices, including smart bulbs, with a multi tap switch. Then central scene will be much easier to work with.
In cases like yours where the Z wave switch is triggering other Z wave devices, local may be a better choice.
Innovelli and Zooz are similar in broad strokes.
Both will work fine with the built-in device handlers as basic switch or dimmer.
Both require a custom device handler to enable the device to trigger a scene via multiple taps.
I believe both also require the Advanced Button Controller to complete the enabling of scenes.
Since you’re new to SmartThings: there are two modes of execution in ST: local (on the hub) and cloud (via the Internet). Cloud execution has added, variable delays as compared to local. For me, local execution is a priority. I give up extra, seldom used, functionality for local execution every time. YMMV
Once you install the custom device handler, you can also use the SmartLighting app (available in the new app as well) to program scene control for Zooz switches. Just choose button as trigger (rather than a switch) from the device list. It won’t give you as many options as the Advanced Button Controller but should be good for most basic automations.
As of today, all of the Zooz switch and dimmer models support scene control, that includes ZEN21, ZEN22, ZEN23, ZEN24, ZEN26, ZEN27, and ZEN30.
@hevykevy420 Feel free to get in touch with our support with any questions about programming or functionality, Zooz is our in-house brand and we’ll be happy to help!
I just set up scene control on My zooz zen27’s. Each one is controlled primarily with a motion sensor, and I always struggled to get pistons set up to distinguish motion activation from manual control. I now have single and double taps set up to distinguish a manual takeover of the switch from a motion activated event turning on the light. Works awesome.
Wow, well thanks everyone for the replies, lots of knowledge here, and lots to digest!
I don’t have any real complicated scene requirements, I just would like a few simple “bedtime”/“movie time” type commands, to shut off/dim certain lights. As a poster suggested, I do primarily use voice control (Alexa) to trigger these scenes. However, I have a few unused switch gang locations, and I’m a big fan of having redundant manual/physical control of devices as well as through the ST app, voice, etc., so my thinking was, why don’t I add a switch with scene control, since installation would be straightforward, and then I can have a way to trigger scenes w/o a phone or Alexa.
The best thing about this post was me finding out that I already have (2) zooz ZEN26 S2 switches somewhere in my house that I ordered last April from @TheSmartestHouse that I might as well try to add the scene functionality to. Looks like I just need to figure out how to add the custom DH handler, and I’m familiar with the SmartLighting app as I’ve programmed a bunch of my lighting schedules/automations that way.
Thanks so much everyone!
Here are the instructions on how to add the custom handler for the ZEN26.
You may have version 1 of the switch which doesn’t include scene control capabilities so if you’re having issues getting it to work, please get in touch with our support and we’ll be happy to help!
Be aware that there are multiple completely different things that are called scenes.
The discussion here about scene-capable switches refers to Z-wave central scenes. In theory, the switch would send a scene command to the hub and the hub would send appropriate commands to devices. I said “in theory” because SmartThings doesn’t support this. What we get instead are custom device handlers that, instead of a scene command, send the hub a button press. Along with this the device handlers create nonexistent buttons to be pressed when you multi-tap the switch.
I don’t use this approach but I presume you’d need to program Alexa to press the button when you say some particular phrase.
Completely separate from the above are Scenes in the new (SmartThings Samsung Connect) app.
With the app-based scenes, you create a point in time set of states for devices and give it a name. If you’re an Android user, you can create a widget on your launcher that will show your scenes. If you’re happy with saying “Alexa, activate {scene name}”, then there’s nothing else to be done for Alexa to activate your scenes.
There’s no need to run the scene-capable device handlers for whatever brand switch you use and no need to teach people in the house that “four taps on the top paddle of the kitchen light switch means turn on the TV and dim the lights” (or whatever, you get my meaning).