Ready to Migrate from Classic to New. Classic App had logged me out. When it finally logged me back in, it had none of my information

  • I’m now ready to Migrate from Classic App to New App. The Classic App had logged me out on all iOS devices, and several times failed to log back in.
  • I deleted the app, and re-installed, and it was able to log me in, but had created a new account with no locations (I have 3 hubs in different locations), no devices, no automations etc. It cheerfully offers to migrate this empty account, but clearly that’s not helpful.
  • The login credentials I am using are the ones I used for smartthings, and also samsung when instructed to create a Samsung login 2 years ago. I have been using the classic app since then, until an update logged me out everywhere.
  • I am able to login today on the web to the developer portal at, using my Samsung credentials for the developer portal. I’ve had that account for awhile. As far as I know, I cannot do the migration from there. Is there a way?

Can this be fixed?

On the Classic app, login using “new to SmartThings “ and use your Samsung account to login

Thanks, I was excited to try this, but sadly I still got a blank account with a default, empty “My home” location.

See if you can switch locations in the more options section of the app (the More tab)

In the More tab, when I disclose more locations at the top of the screen by tapping “My home”, the only thing there is the option to Add New Location.

So, you logged into IDE witH your Samsung account and everything was there… your hubs, devices and Smartapps?

My Locations, Hubs, and Devices are there.

Each Device I have checked on shows what I expect in the “In Use By” field. The “My Smart Apps” tab is empty, but I am assuming that this is because I no longer have the RBoy Blink Device Handler/App I used to use. This section should not show the “built-in” Smart Apps, correct?

It would only show custom Smartapps and a few from the old marketplace in the Classic app such as Logitech, etc.

Strange you can see things in IDE with your Samsung account but not in the Classic app using the same Samsung account by way of New to SmartThings.

Try the new app and see if things show there with the same Samsung account.

If the Classic does not work, only thing I can say is contact ST support. It totally has me perplexed.

When I log into the new app, it, too, is empty. I was hoping that was simply because I had not migrated.

The Classic App is offering me a tap target that says “Migrate your other locations”, but I am chicken to tap that because I cannot go any time soon to those other locations to put things right if this messes something up. And in any case the app does not show me those locations in the dropdown. It seems weird it is offering to migrate locations that it cannot show me.

Logging into Classic on another iDevice using another account that had been granted access to these locations for the past five years also failed to log in.

Is there any step that I need to do now that I never needed to do before when logging into my account on a newly downloaded app on a new device, like standing near the hub with bluetooth on or something?

One more question, if you don’t mind: It looks like Classic is being killed altogether on Oct 14, so that I will no longer be able to migrate to the New app. Will the automations keep working after that, as they are now, even though I cannot change anything? (I cannot physically go to the other locations anytime soon to re-do everything.)

This is sad. These hubs have worked flawlessly for me for the past 5 years.

Thank you very much for all your help. It’s much appreciated.

This Samsung account is the main account and not a user account that was setup at a later time?

I know this will not have any effect but try rebooting the ST hub in IDE > hubs > view utilities > reboot hub

Again, I am stumped.

Basically, I believe on oct. 14th, if you have not selected to migrate, ST will force the migration on your account. SHM and SHM custom rules would migrate to STHM and automation/scenes. ST smart locks would migrate to smart lock guest access. Routines would migrate to automations/scenes. And the Classic app would cease on the 14th.

You do need to contact ST support to get access to your hubs/devices through both apps.

Yes, the samsung account I have been working with is the main account. The one I also tried was a guest account that had been authorized.

I rebooted. Both apps are still empty. The IDE still shows my devices.

I will contact Samsung. And again, thanks very much!