Few days ago I installed 16 zone gen 2 Rachio. Everything seems to working fine except that the smartthings activity feed is full with messages like ‘Slope is null’. I have 7 zones, so one message is adding to the activity feed for each zone every 10 minutes. Within Rachio app I have setup slope for all zone but smartthings is not reading this entry. I would like to know if anyone else is seeing the same issue?
Yup I have the exact same problem. I think it started about the same time they upgraded the Rachio app to 3.0 (March 3).
Ok, thanks for your reply. I searched all over the web and couldn’t find any discussion regarding this issue. I started to think that I am the only one who is having this problem. I recently installed Rachio, so 3.0 is the only version I have used. It is really annoying that logs are flooded with ‘Slope is Null’ message and makes it really hard to look for other messages.
Are you actually watering with your Rachio? Mine in in standby mode right now. I was hoping it would go away once I started it up in the spring.
Mine is not in standby mode, but it hasn’t watered yet because it is on Flex Daily schedule. I have done quick runs for testing purposes, but no scheduled run so far.
Any thoughts here?
I’ve been working on fixes for Rachio. There overhauled there API to allow more advanced features the issue is that it’s missing a couple items from before to make it work with ST.
I will let you know when the update is submitted to ST (It shouldn’t be more than a week)
I knew you would be on it. Thanks!
This is what I got from Rachio support when I contacted them.
This is a known issue, and we do appreciate the fact that you are bringing it to our attention that you are experiencing it as well. The primary reason for this is due to the fact that we changed some things in our API with the recent V3 update, and SmartThings hasn’t quite gotten it fixed yet. If you would like to get it fixed a tad sooner, I would highly recommend contacting SmartThings support themselves, as since SmartThings developed the functionality for the integration, they are the only ones with the necessary resources to resolve the issue.
This seems like a pretty lame support response if you ask me.I understand that APIs changed in the new version however they have been working on this upgrade for a very very long time. Having their APIs provided to their integrators well ahead of launch should have been done. This whole V3 upgrade has been nothing short of a gong show. Just check out their support thread on the Rachio Community and you’ll understand…
Why is anyone contacting anyone. The guy who wrote the code already said he’s working on it… (tonesto7)
I contacted Rachio before tonesto7 replied. Thanks for looping him in this thread.
This has nothing to with Rachio dropping the ball or bad customer support.
It has to do with them reaching out to me over a month ago asking me to test for any breaking changes and I got overwhelmed with work and family and didn’t have time to do it.
So at the end of the day if you still feel the need to be mad at someone you can be mad at me.
FYI: I will be submitting the changes to SmartThings within the next couple days.
No problem. Totally understand, thanks for the claification.
Will these updates support Rachios new pause feature?
Even with the new updates there still isn’t really a pause feature. there’s a standby which it’s supported since release.
If you see that there really is a pause feature let me know and I can try to get it in before I publish it with SmartThings
Oh am I misunderstanding the new feature they have listed?:
- The new Remote (pause, skip forward, skip backward are finally here!)
There is still 2 feet of snow here so it will be awhile before I get to test it…
I am not seeing ‘Slope is Null’ logs anymore, but now I am getting ‘Standby Mode is Off’ . The frequency is the same as the previous error.
Same here by the opposite since I am in standby mode. I see it every 15min
I just submitted the code to ST. I haven’t received a reply yet so i’m not sure what the lead time will be