Thanks. This was tremendously helpful and I have the buttons working with the Smart App as a starting point/test. However what I really want to do is use CoRE and Pistons to toggle the virtual buttons, because CoRE will give me a lot more flexibility than the Smart App. I ran into problems, however, getting CoRE to work with its buttons. In particular it only recognizes 4 buttons (with the smart app it recognizes all 7) and even then none of the buttons seem to be recognized by CoRE (Pistons never execute when they should) even tho with the Smart App they work fine (and just to make sure I have deleted the buttons from the Smart App so they are not being looked at by the Smart App and CoRE at the same time, in case that would cause a problem).
At any rate I posted more about this issue in the CoRE thread here [RELEASE CANDIDATE] CoRE (Community’s own Rule Engine) . I’d love your opinion on it or to know if you’ve run into this before. Thanks!