Sorry for yet another topic on this subject but I am a bit overwhelmed at this point and hoping for some guidance. I have spent days reading all the threads regarding the topic and still feel really confused.
Simply control my Lifx lights from a nice looking wall mounted switch. I don’t have a preference on if I need to remove my standard wall switch to house/ power the new scene controller or if it is battery powered.
Ideally, more direct control of the lights would be nice (ie a full range of dimming and color changing) but from what I have read, it seems more likely that I will be able to select from several pre-made scenes with the various light levels and color preset.
If I am only able to control scenes, I figure I will need: On (100%), off, 75%, 50%, 25% and maybe it would be nice to have some color temp choices.
I am reasonably technical so I don’t mind modifying some code/ scripting but I also don’t want to have a dedicated Raspberry Pi, etc.
Cost is not really relevant as I only need one or two switches and just want the best product I can get.
Equipment I currently have
After going through a lot of the threads I just decided to order a bunch of options and figure I can return what I don’t like.
Lights: Lifx (already own these, I like them but maybe the Hue/ Wink/ Lutron combo would have been easier
Hub: SmartThings
(I also have a Wink2 coming but realize it does not support Lifx) -
Switches I ordered: (as a new user I can only place 2 links in my post, so click here for a list with clickable links: https://goo.gl/7abvpU
Lutron LZL-4B-WH-L01
SYLVANIA Smart+ Dimming Switch
Aeon Labs ZW130-A WallMote Quad
Gocontrol Z-Wave 3-Way WT00Z-1
HomeSeer HS-WS100+
Extra Credit Notes
I also have Logitech POPs and they work but I would really like to have more scenes and would love a normal switch plate mounted solution.
Finally, I do have a Logitech Harmony Hub if that could be helpful for anything.
Would really love and appreciate any feedback on what I already ordered in terms of which switches I should focus on first because I am sure I will need to spend a lot of time on any of them. Also, if you have any recommendations that I overlooked, please let me know.
Thank you,