So i have a v2 hub with about 70 devices. I recently purchased a new v3 hub & smartthings station. What im looking to do is replace my v2 hub in my living room which will also be by my samsung tv that is a hub & put the station on the other side of my house. Does smartthings copy everything from 1 hub to another. My goal is to move some of the devices on the other sode of my house to the station & eventually move the v3 hub downstaira once i swap my locks. I only have amokw detectors & front door lock that was just replaced being zwave devices. Im figuring i can move some devices to my tv as well. Thanks for all your help.
but… the Station does not have a z-wave radio. the question is… do you want to use the hub replace with the V3 hub and move everything to it? Otherwise… manually move your z-wave devices to the V3 first and try the hub replace to move everything after that to the Station.
Thanks @jkp … looks simple & ill just delete a handfull of sensors before i move over eveeything. Then ill just repair them to the station & tv. This all sounds so simple… but i just keep thinking murphys law…lol…
What can go wrong does
I didnt see the bottom part. I have the v3 hub also coming. My only zwave devices are my schlage lock which they just replaced for me & my smoke detectors. Wait… some light switches too but i may be replacing them soon. Main thing is the hub is able to copy everything over instead of removing each device.
just make sure that you don’t add any devices to the new hub that is replacing the old hub through Hub Replace.
Ok thanks.
The only thing that disappointments me about Hub Replace is that you don’t get to use it much. It is rather satisfying to use. I will note that Edge driver channel enrolments don’t get carried across from the ‘old’ to the ‘new’ hub so if you use beta or community Edge drivers you might want to sort that out. It is a very minor issue as long as you are aware of it.
Thank you @orangebucket because i use marianos driver for my light strips. Gonna check right now to see if i have more.