Problem With Philips Hue since driver update 13/1

My Hue lights have become unresponsive since 13/1/25 from within SmartThings. Fine from within the Hue app.
This coincided with a Hue SmartThings driver on 13/1.
I have tried restarting hub - no change.
Has anyone else had any issues? Just trying to establish whether a general issue or soecific to my setup?

My Hue lights work but I use the Matter integration between the Hue bridge and ST hub.

Reboot your Router also.

Mine works fine. What is your Hue edge driver version?

Light link failed at the time shown on driver……

Rebooted/ restarted ST hub / Router/ hue hub.

ST can see all hue lights - just unresponsive through ST.

I have seen behavior like this before when the SmartThings Hub has restarted for some reason. In my case, toggling the respective lights in the Hue app brought things back to life again.

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I also had it once before. The only way I got it fixed was to delete the hue bridge in SmartThings and re-link to Hue. I don’t know if there is another way to re-initialise the SmartThings edge driver for Hue.

Before doing that, you can maybe add another Hue instance as a matter link. This will create duplications but if the new link works, you will at least know that the driver works. You can always delete it again


In the end I had to delete each hue hub (I have two) and re add. The Hue ST integration is now working fine.

Then had to go through the long process of sorting out room allocation and updsting all light based routines.

It did appear (as someone suggested) that the link had become stuck (I am speculating that the driver update glitched) and this was the only way to clear it (I tried all the suggested less radical approaches first!).

Overall a complete pain!!


I have same issue. I also Had to remove and re add my hue.
However New lights added to Hue will also not bridge over to ST as they do with other matter hubs.