Post Requests for Zwave Edge Drivers Here (community-created)

Need a driver for Aeon Labs appliance switch DSC06106
MSR: 0086-0003-0006
Raw Description zw:L type:1001 mfr:0086 prod:0003 model:0006
ver:1.43 zwv:2.78 lib:03

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Has anyone looked into the Homeseer WS200+ and WD200+ ?Also the Homeseer Fan Controller

Been requested multiple times in this thread as well as in the DTH threads for those devices.

For example:


Please help Keep this thread usable for the developers who do so much great work creating custom edge drivers by reading through it first to see if there has already been a request.

In this particular case, word is that Homeseer is working on edge Drivers, but it’s not clear if they will be ready before the cutover. (There was an early post which said that homeseer was not going to do Drivers, but they later changed their minds and said they are.) The following is also from the thread above, which is why it does help to scan the thread before posting.

That is the device fingerprint. Manufacturer and model for zigbee devices.

Hi I have just been searching for an edge driver, device handler for Hogar Z-wave Switches. Switches are 2 gang, 3 gang and 4 gang. When added to ST they only appear as one. Currently using Groovey
Z-Wave Multi Metering Switch which created child devices. Can anyone help me.

This is a limitation of the new architecture. Multi component devices will show all switches in one tile. If you need to see them individually or control them with voice assistant, you will need to create a virtual device for each β€œchild” switch and mirror them with routines.
There are several virtual device options if you search the forum. I personally use Mariano’s virtual appliances driver that has the mirror function. It only takes 2 routines per device mirror vs 4 with a regular switch.


Thanks Brent. Good info.

I would like to see drivers for

  • Honeywell Evo
  • Aeotec Siren
  • Aeotec Garage Door controller

Looking for an Edge driver for Aeotec Water Sensor 6. I have ten of these devices installed and really don’t want them to lose functionality.

Current DTH: Z-Wave Sensor

zw:S type:0701 mfr:0086 prod:0102 model:007A ver:1.06 zwv:4.54 lib:03 cc:5E,85,59,80,70,7A,71,73,31,86,84,60,8E,72,5A epc:2

Hi @Mariano_Colmenarejo

I tried your suggestion and removed/excluded the dimmer switch from my network, installed the Z-Wave Switch Edge Driver from the SmartThings Beta channel and found the Linear dimmer switch, but it added it as the standard legacy DTH type β€œZ-Wave Dimmer Switch Generic” with ONLINE as Local.

I would have expected to see β€œplaceholder” and Cloud like all of the other Edge Drivers I have managed to get working.

Here is the information from the IDE:

Data * networkSecurityLevel: **ZWAVE_LEGACY_NON_SECURE**
* manufacturer: **null**
* MSR: **014F-4457-3034**
Raw Description zw:L type:1104 mfr:014F prod:4457 model:3034 ver:5.41 zwv:3.42 lib:06 cc:26,2B,2C,27,73,70,86,72

Am I stuck here with a device that is not Edge Driver compatible or can this be added to a custom Edge Driver.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

Haven’t touched SmartThings in years, but received the email about Edge drivers and so now I’m on alert.

I’m looking for Edge drivers for Somfy Z-Wave Shades. Everything else I found an alternative for.



I’d like to request drivers for the GE Portable Smart Motion Sensor 34193 with configuration options if possible. Apparently the fingerprint is included in the stock ST zwave-sensor driver, but with no config options.

The device has 3 config options that I’m aware of:
Motion Sensitivity
Motion Timeout Duration
Enable Flash Indicator

the most important (to me) being the β€œMotion Timeout Duration” setting.

If a separate driver can be developed it would be much appreciated.

I need this too (heatit ztrm3 edge driver), or else i will soon need to find a different hub solution.

Not even sure if possible but something to have the Neato Botvacs still accessible through ST would be great. I know you can use virtual switches to have Alexa turn it on but having it within ST and it knowing the state of the vacuum is great, particularly fur action tiles. Thanks

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Hi @Belgarion
Added to this driver version

β”‚ Name        β”‚ Z-Wave Switch Mc                     β”‚
β”‚ Version     β”‚ 2022-09-18T11:36:42.766694342        β”‚
  - id: 014F/4457/3034
    deviceLabel: Linear Dimmer
    manufacturerId: 0x014F
    productType: 0x4457
    productId: 0x3034
    deviceProfileName: switch-level

SmartThings has a β€œZ-Wave Virtual Momentary Switch” driver available. Is it possible to add this device fingerprint to it:

Metrics * Received Messages From Device: 17

  • Received Messages From Device (Duplicates): 2
  • Messages Transmitted to Device: 14
  • Messages Transmitted to Device (Failures): 0
  • Updated Time: 2022-09-18 10:46 AM EDT
    Data * networkSecurityLevel: ZWAVE_LEGACY_NON_SECURE
  • productName: Remotec ZFM-80
  • manufacturer: Remotec Technology Ltd
    Raw Description zw:L type:1001 mfr:5254 prod:8000 model:0002 ver:1.01 zwv:3.40 lib:06 cc:20,25,27,72,86,70,85

This device currently uses the β€œZ-Wave Virtual Momentary Contact Switch” DTH.

This thread is intended to request custom edge drivers from community developers. I’m not sure what the mechanism is for asking for changes to a production driver. :thinking:

I know some people have been asking in the official announcement thread, but I don’t know if they got any response.

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We posted the driver today. Combo driver that contains support for the LS100+. Give it a try!


Which edge driver do I need to install for the β€œspring window fashions shade” DTH?

Z-Wave Window Treatment.

Currently the two devices from the DTH are only fingerprinted for the beta channel.