Please help me find CoRE on my Smart Things App?

Wondering if someone can assist me with enabling CoRE in my smart things app (iOS)…

Signed up for GitHub…

Went through the process explained on the wiki page for getting the CoRE code into my IDE page online…

All loaded just fine, and then went to do the OAth procedure… One step (First one) where there was supposed to be a button that says “Publish to Smart app” was not there?? Complied with the rest of the document however…

Open ST app on phone, and no luck getting the CoRE smart app listed on my smart app page…

Used this tutorial:

Actually deleted the smart app from my IDE webpage once and went through the entire process again… Second time through, the “Publish APP” button was on the AOth page… Still no luck however finding the app in my iOS smart things “Smart Apps” page…

Thanks! Sorry for the beginner noob questions! I’m trying… lol!

First time starting it should be under, marketplace, smartapps tab, my apps. Is it there?


Thanks… No, it sure isn’t… I’ve gone through my steps 20 times now and re-installed the smart app and done the OAth procedure several times as well… It all looks like it should as far as I know on the IDE page online… Precisely as laid out in the wiki… However, on my iPhone… Under both “Automations” and “MarketPlace” / SmartAps… It’s not listed… On the automations tab, if I click +Add a SmartApp it brings up a bunch of options such as samsung home/climate/etc… But I don’t see a catagory for “MyAps”…

Ok… So, I logged out of the EID page, and logged back in… Went through steps all over again, and NOW its on my iOS app! WoooHooo… Now I gotta start figuring out what I can do with it!

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