August 27, 2017, 12:54am
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August 31, 2017, 5:00pm
I was able to create a core piston that does this with the help of a bash script that a run on my synology. This is the piston:
And this is the bash script that cron runs at 6 am Mon-Fri
podcatcher --dir /podcasts/ -S one http://feeds.feedburner.com/npr/POtf
ls -t /podcasts/cache | head -n 1 | xargs -I '{}' mv /podcasts/cache/'{}' /alarm/alarm.mp3
shopt -s globstar
flacfiles=(/music/Ludovico\ Einaudi/**/*.flac)
cp "${flacfiles[RANDOM % ${#flacfiles[@]}]}" /alarm/music.flac
I also have a local web server running on my synology so that webcore can access those two files.
If you can figure out the logic of the new URLs, you might be able to do this workaround that I made below. There are two podcasts that I listen to each morning, and their URLs are defined in part by the year, month and day.