I have been researching and reading numerous posts about playing a media track from within webcore but haven’t found clear instructions about where I am able to store my media files so that webcore can access them via the URL link.
I have a local NAS, WD MyCloud where my media files are stored. I am also running Plex Server and Plex Media Player. Here is what I have tried so far:
URL for my plex server (!/server/media/“file name”) without any luck.
right click on the media file to get file info but it lists the local mapping (Z:\Media\surely_a.wav) which won’t work
tried to store and access from my OneDrive cloud storage but it is posted via https: and didn’t work either, assuming due to the https
Is there a path to locate from within Plex or an online location to store the media files that can be readily accessed by webcore?
I am storing and accessing my audio clip via AWS storage. This one plays a “Lets go Blackhawks” chant 120 seconds after they score… (Also does a couple other things but this gives you an example)
Thanks @pmjoen. I got a AWS S3 account setup and stored a .wav file. Used the link but it still didn’t work. Are there special file formats that is supported? What about permission? I have it setup as Public access on both the account, the bucket and the object without any encryption. Is there something that I missed?
Im not sure if there is an issue with format, but the one I hosted is an mp3. Try using my mp3 and see if it works and if so add an mp3 to your was and test.