I’m building my Smartthings ecosystem, and I am new at this.
I have about 20 devices connected to my ecosystem and recently bought an Aeotec hub to manage them. One of the things I’m trying to do is having a led strip on my Kitchen that is powered by a smart plug managed by a button. I acquired a button from a specific brand from Amazon but it came faulty and didn’t work, so I thought of buying a Phillips Hue button as it is more discrete. Before going through with it I saw this:
Well… the button is paired into Smartthings as a “Zigbee Thing” and doesn’t have any actions. As I have other Button from Sonoff connected to the Hub, I tried to configure the Hue Button with the “Zigbee Button” driver, however it says that the Device Fingerprint doesn’t support that Driver.
I’ve started experimenting Edge Drivers and found a Driver by @iquix and although I’ve managed to configure a different driver, the device is stuck on a “waiting” state, hence it doesn’t work.
Anyway, have anyone managed to configure a Hue Button on Smartthings in 2023 without the Hue Hub? I really only care about the on/off features, and like I said I bought this button because its small and discrete. Thanks in advance.