Sounds like a plan! The channel 20 information is interesting; I haven’t heard that tip before. Good to know!
The one thing I would add for those who have larger properties or more devices is that when doing bench pairing (that’s what it’s called when you pair a device very close to the hub and then move it to its actual location) the device doesn’t know its true neighbors, in particular the devices closest to it that can repeat for it.
For this reason, it will generally be a good idea to do a “Zigbee heal“ after all the devices are in their correct locations. That way each device will know its real neighbors.
Doing a heal for Zigbee is easy: just leave all your devices on power except the hub. Unplug the hub and remove batteries if it has any. Leave the hub off power for about 20 minutes. This will cause the other devices to go into “panic mode“ because they can’t reach the hub. Then when the hub comes back online, the devices will all rebuild their neighbor tables, making your network more efficient.
For more tips on efficient networking, See the FAQ on range and repeaters.