Open/Close Sensors and Battery


  1. Open the link
  2. Select and Copy all Code
  3. Open IDE
  4. Click in “My Device Handlers”
  5. Click “+ new Device Handler”
  6. Click " From Code"
  7. Paste the Code copied.
  8. Click “Create”
  9. Click " Publish for me"
  10. In IDE select your Device.
  11. Follow the steps of linked post for install dth

These steps just to create and publish the dth for you, which you can then install on different devices

Any question Tell me!

That worked… shows 16720 on these that I copied the code from. I also did my Smart Motion sensor from the link you posted.

Thank you for your help. I will let you know how everything is working.

Now to get my thermostat app working and I will be great!

So what is the “max” that I can set these to? I see 240 minutes in the app, but can you adjust the code for longer?

Two options, use whatever you want:
1. in IDE open your Device
-in preferences, click “edit” and enter the time in minutes as you want for variable “TempReportTimeMax” and Click save.

2. In IDE, Device handlers, open dth code created.

  • Line 75: range: “1…240”, change 240 by other bigger you want.
    -Save and publish for you.
    -Enter the Interval settings in app.

In both cases after enter new Interval setting:
Edit Device un IDE and change dth version as instructions

Are you as good with thermostats and thermostat smart apps? :slight_smile:

Thanks for your compliments, I’m not good with this, hahaha. I am persistent when I have a problem and want to fix it and reading on this forum I found the solutions.
At first, for days, no one answered, not even Samsung, to my question about excessive battery consumption and its relation to temperature reports. now I see that there are many of us who are interested in solving the problem.
I have not done anything with thermostats, I do not have them integrated into smartthings. They work great with your original Beok app. I think that having them integrated in smartthings does not add any benefits to me.
There are several posts about thermostats and applications, you still find something.
Best regards, I’m glad I was able to help you.

I guess I spoke too soon. The batteries are reporting every 5 minutes again. Not sure why this would have changed.

In all devices?

Yes, my 2 SmartSense Multi and my 1 SmartSense Motion.

It’s strange, once the configuration is accepted by the device, it works with that configuration until it is changed to another one.
Most likely, it has not been configured correctly, it is important that the device has a good connection with the hub, such as when pairing.
it could also be the temperature increase trigger setting. As soon as you have it on?
for zigbee devices the configuration sometimes fails if there is no good signal.
Please could you send a screenshot of the app temperature reports? let’s see what it looks like

Here you go… Looks likes its been 20 minutes lately. You can see where it keeps changing.

Looking at this, what I think happens is that you have the trigger for information of temperature change in 0.1 ° (10) in the configuration.
always reports every 0.1 ° change regardless of the time interval. it is happening every 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes, always less than 1 hour set.
You have to configure 3 parameters, thresholds
Example: zigbee.temperatureConfig (30, 3600, 100):
Maximum interval between reports: this is now 3600 sec. It will report any change in temperature at most every hour, unless the temperature change trigger is exceeded, which in the example is 100 = 1 ° and it will always be reported.
The third and least important is the minimum interval between reports, which in the example is 30 sec. This means that it will never send reports with less than 30 Sec of interval.
That said, you can see that you have the temp report trigger at 0.1 ° and that’s why it reports like this.
you can make these changes:

If it is a “Smartsense multi sensor” adjust the variable “TempReportTrigger” between 100 = (1 °) and 300 = (3 °) depending on the precision you want.

If it is the “Smartsense open / Close sensor” in line 215 add the trigger between 100 and 300 for example:
zigbee.temperatureConfig (30, 3600, 200).

In this link you can see some photos of several examples of my sensors

I am sorry, but I am so lost here.

I have 2 Smartsense Multi and 1 Smartsene Motion.

Can you tell me what line to change for each… as I don’t understand the code. :slight_smile:

My main concern is battery life… I don’t need the temp and battery reporting constantly, which kills the battery faster. I would be fine with once every 4 hours so 6 hours or even 12 hours.

Sorry, I thought you had changed it into a SmartSense open/close sensor.
Is it a dth “SmartSense motion”? or “SmartSense motion sensor”? They are different.
Must be a SmartSense motion sensor.

In the “SmartSense multi sensor” or “SmartSense motion sensor” of the previous links, change the value of “TempReportTrigger” between 100 = (1 °) and 300 = (3 °) depending on the precision you want, in the smartthings app settings and then do the dth version change process in IDE to run the configuration in each device.

I have 2 ST Branded Multipurpose sensors and 1 ST Branded Motion sensor. These came in the home security kit.

If you have changed to DTHs linked, settings to Maximun dth values 240 minutes and 300 (3°) only will send 6 temperature reports per day.
If need bigger Interval see the post 24 for multisensor dth:
-Line 75: range: “1… 240 ”, change 240 by other bigger you want.
Motion sensor:
-Line 68: range: “1… 240 ”, change 240 by other bigger you want.
And follow procedure for configure execution.

I like the line numbers… makes it easier for me…

Both of these lines are “1…720” already and have been.