I have been using Life360 for… a couple years now, and last year I set up a CoRE (now webCoRE) piston to manage a virtual presence sensor (combining the ST presence on my phone with the Life360 presence, whichever one arrives or departs first would trigger the virtual presence, to cut down on delay between the two). After changing phones this summer, I never bothered setting up the ST presence until a couple days ago.
I’d been having issues with my OnePlus 5 not updating my Life360 presence in a timely manner when coming home (i.e. sit in the driveway for 10-20 seconds waiting for the door to open, vs. having the door already open when I’m turning onto my street). So I decided to recreate the ST presence on this new phone. However, it hasn’t updated since I came home yesterday. I’ve been at work for almost 4 hours, using my phone (it’s not dozing or anything), opened the ST app and browsed around, tried re-saving my ST presence device in the app, but it’s still not marking me as away.
Which version of android are you on? I am using the SharpTools/Tasker/AutoLocation method for presense and it currently works perfectly with Nougat on my 3T. However, I tried the Open Beta for Oreo, and Google made some changes that break AutoLocation (they limit how often background apps can ask for location updates). If you are still on Nougat and don’t mind holding off upgrading until an 8.0 compatible solution surfaces, the SharpTools/Tasker/AutoLocation method has been completely rock solid.
I’m on android 7.1, and I think the OnePlus is doing some aggressive battery management on some things like this (and GPS related functions). I notice that I rarely get the ST push notifications unless I very recently opened the ST app, and sometimes I’ll be marked present as soon as I take the phone out of my pocket and turn the screen on.
Still seems to be some odd issues specific to the ST side (and maybe still related to OP killing the ST app in the background?), but still odd that it’s so delayed:
That is exactly the situation I had w/ my 3T. Even adding the ST app to the “do not optimize” list in the advanced battery settings didn’t help. Whether OP or ST is the culprit I’m not sure either, but the situation sucks nonetheless. If you want to take 15-20 minutes and buy a couple apps (useful even on their own), you can still achieve what you want. Take a look at this thread: [HOW TO] SmartThings Presence reporting using Tasker/SharpTools/AutoLocation. It has worked perfectly for me and my wife over the past few months. It has been, by far, the most reliable detector of presence for me (better than ST app, Life 360, & the ST Presence sensor).