ObyThing Music v1.2 has been submitted to Apple. The issues mentioned above, where iTunes will keep playing other sounds after the one it is supposed to should be fixed. We also added support for the “Tone” capability, which has a ‘beep’ command to play a quick little notification sound. My thought is to use this to chime when doors are opened, much like security systems do, but I’m sure you all will come up with other good ideas for it too!
The device type, device manager SmartApp, and the useful SmartApps (Notify with Sound, Mood Music, and Weather Forecast) are all updated on GitHub, but you’ll want to wait for the update to the Mac update to use these.
EDIT: Also, the problems with text to speech are not specific to ObyThing, but all apps that use this functionality. It is a known issue and maybe close to being fixed (3 days ago on another thread):