Oh you upgraded your hub? Delete EVERYTHING and start over...THANKS FOR BUYING!

I will say what is working is “snappier” maybe? lol Will also say most things went easy. Most of my devices are Leviton Switches and Dimmers, they had no issue, My few GE Switches paired back up no issue. My Iris contacts made me open and close windows after pairing to get them to report right but that was minor. ALL of my Osram’s were a PITA. I have A19s, Garden Spots and RGBW Strips, and all of them had me cussing. I also had an Aeon Tech contact that would not join for love or money. after some google work I found a long shot. Had to do a general exclude, hit the button, then flip back to add new device and then it would work.

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I see the migration biggest issue is we have a hub failure. It’s one thing to say oh just replace your hub and all your stuff stays the same but then say oh and spend hours removing, resetting including and redoing every automation you set up over the years. I sure hope no major hardware flaw pops up or a botched firmware update never takes out tons of hubs. Oh and don’t say it never will, it has happened to other hubs.


I fully “image” my PCs and phone so that if there is a hardware failure I can recover extremely quickly by just replacing the hardware.

In the case of SmartThings there is no such option. Being without SmartThings for perhaps 3-5 days while Support confirms that there has been an unrecoverable Hub hardware failure is undesirable, but not horrible. Heck, I’m sure they are willing to send replacement hub by overnight shipping.

But then the Customer has to find 12+ hours to reset all their Things and automations? No f-ing way.

Or… … f-ing way. Since there’s no alternative, despite the promises.

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The currently average from a datadog dashboard is 11.1 Devices / Household :grin:


Every day I get more and more crazy ideas from you, man. I would suggest you add a contact sensor to your wallet so you can avoid having all those unused items in your garage. :joy:


Wow looks like I own 5.5 houses. Heck I have 13 smart bulbs alone. LOL

I wonder how many things the average home has on their home network. I have 59. :slight_smile:

My Christmas tree and mailbox have their own sensors so why not toilet.

My mailbox has a sensor as well and I find it VERY helpful. Especially during winter.

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I have 249 devices. I guess I am running an apartment complex (between 22-23 units - who knew).


I think I have 52 ( I think) switches… And around 20 something bulbs… I just quit counting… Lol

Mine has one… I just haven’t written an automation for it… Lol

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Are those actual physical devices?

28 virtual switches.

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I refuse to count all of mine. Reminds me of all the $$$ spent. UGH. LOL


If it counts for anything, once i switched over my hub, now none of my devices are showing up. I’m in no hurry because i loath having to redo all this crap. I’m sure i missed something simple though

What sensor and how do you set it up. Been wanting this myself to check mail.

So just updated my spreadsheet. I have 79 devices not including my iPhone nor the actual ST hub itself, now that I think about it I should add in the ST hub as well since I am also adding cost. Dont do that, dont look at the cost cause man now I kinda have some regrets. 2400 dollars in about a year of ownership… Also including devices I’ve bought but not yet installed. Like 4 more Iris smart plugs on sale today, and then the 4 more iris motion sensors from a previous sale.

I’ve said this time and time again, we aren’t their focus by any stretch of the imagination. But you’d think this forum and its users would be prime grounds for stress testing. Either lots are doing it under NDA, or we are not the goal at all. If the goal is those 12 things per user then obviously we have the wrong system in our homes.

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I feel like once, we were, then no longer. Might be the difference of when a kickstarter cared about their customers and community, and the big corporation would rather make exploding phones and washing machines.

HA is like addicting though. I went from 0 to a lot of devices in a matter of months. Can’t live without it these days, but missing the old day where I survived without it, and didn’t have the headache of stability issues.

Haha! You’re so right…I love all my automated lights, almost Star Trek like Echo, notifications, and more but every time I have to get up and go fix something, my wife says that “I’m wallowing in my own misery”.

That’s why I started this a while back. It’s somewhat comforting to know that I’m not alone in this behavior.


Haha, Nice Thread. Home Automation is an abusive relationship… It’s so great when it works, and so miserable when it doesn’t. You want to get away with it and find another system, but still… you have to rebuild everything.

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