Official Multi-Channel Control Problem

Recently all my wall switches are not able to get the correct states. Every time i toggle ON/OFF via SmartThings app and they will stuck at “TURNINGON/TURNINGOFF” but in fact they are actually turn ON/OFF the switch just that no report back the correct state.

I have about 30+ switches (from 1gang to 3gangs). Work perfectly almost a year. Wall switch is from China company - zwave plus, you can refer the spec here - .

Please note that i still able to control them from SmartThings platform.

  1. Turn on “Switch - Living - Entrance LED” device.
  2. Stuck at “TURNINGON” state - but in fact Switch already turn on
  3. Unable to turn off from “Switch - Living - Entrance LED” device since the state is “TURNINGON
  4. Use virtual switch or Google Home/Alexa e.g. “My House” - toggle off will trigger all switches to be OFF.

Anyone experience similar issue?

  • What happens when you toggle the physical Switch? Is SmartThings App updated immediately to on or off?
  • Anything logged in Device Events or Live Logging, perhaps?

What happens when you toggle the physical Switch? Is SmartThings App updated immediately to on or off?

  • SmartThings App do not update the state when i toggle from physical switch.

Anything logged in Device Events or Live Logging, perhaps?

  • From Device Events - ALL tab. I can see the logged when i toggle ON/OFF from APP.

    Source -> COMMAND
    Value -> on
    Displayed Text -> on command was sent to Switch - Living - Entrance LED
    Changed -> true

Away from home, unable to test physical switch to get logged for now.

So one of 2 happening:

  1. SmartThings Hub is not receiving Events from the Switch. Attempt a Z-Wave repair and/or remove and re-Add the Switch to SmartThings. You may want to do a general Z-Wave exclude and reset the hardware etc.


  1. The DTH is receiving the message and isn’t parsing it properly. You can add debugging in the parse() method.


  1. The firmware or config options in Switch are borked and it is failing to transmit. This is least likely.
  1. SmartThings Hub is not receiving Events from the Switch. Attempt a Z-Wave repair and/or remove and re-Add the Switch to SmartThings. You may want to do a general Z-Wave exclude and reset the hardware etc.
  • Tried many times to repair zwave. so far not help for this.
  • Just curious that will it happen for all the switch devices (30 switches) together? Maybe i will try to reset one and see the result.
  1. The DTH is receiving the message and isn’t parsing it properly. You can add debugging in the parse() method.
  • I used ST stock device handler - Z-Wave Device Multichannel and SmartApp used ST stock App too (Multi-Channel Control)
  • What messages do you see in the Hub Event log for the Z-Wave repair?
  • Definitely try to isolate the issue to one Switch at a time. It may be helpful to temporarily remove all the Switches from SmartThings and get one working first. That will ensure that it is not a Z-Wave mesh networking issue.

More input/finding from me. All my switches are using ST Stock DTH (Z-Wave Device Multichannel) and SmartApp used Multi-Channel Control (by using this SmartApp will split each gang to individual devices).

Right now i tried to toggle device ON/OFF (Z-Wave Device Multichannel) and it worked. can reported state correctly. But if i toggle from devices generated from Multi-Channel Control app. then state unable to display correctly.

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I’m not familiar with the Multi-Channel DTH or Control SmartApp (child devices…?).

I’m guessing there are quite a few additional points of failure / complexities involved with this DTH & SmartApp, that perhaps will require adding debug statements or getting official support assistance.


Anyone facing Multi-Channel control issue. I found the problem caused by this official smartapp. Reinstall and install the app still unable to listen the response in new generated devices. This worked for almost a year just stop working recently for my all existing devices.

Any idea @slagle

Looks like the default multi-channel smartapp has been removed?

Hi, i have same switches installed, I couldnt even find the source code for that multi channel script. If someone already has that please let me know so that i can publish it for myself and use these switches again.

Hi wesleywong, I have exactly the same problem.
Have you already found a solution?


I’ve rejoined all the switches and ST will used “Z-Wave Device Multichannel” (type). This device type is capable to recognize for the child devices (if any). So no longer required to use additional SmartApp for multi channel devices. Hope this helps.