Occasionally ST MOTION Sensors stop working


Yes. Whenever you try and demonstrate things they always go wrong. Just hope that smartthings improve their reliability going forward. Need to avoid being moaned at for taking away simple needs like lighting a room reliably!

you see your like me, you have a wife/girlfriend that moans if something as simple as turning on a light doesnā€™t work. rightly so. i think there are too many geeks in this who put up and shut up a bit too easy.

and for the cost of automating your home. i expect more TBH. i find it amazing how many guys on here say they are working reliably, that really isnā€™t borne out in the real world, i have streamlined it quite a bit, but i gotta be honest there isnā€™t a week where something has been missed either execution or delay. just yesterday/today there is an outage on the ST platform. its affecting me

Hi. This has happened again with one of my sensors. The other is OK.
On live logging I am seeing the following when I refresh:-
Working sensor.Ambiguous method overloading for method java.math.BigInteger#.
Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null, class java.lang.Integer] due to overlapping prototypes between:
[class [I, int]
[class [B, int]
[class java.lang.String, int] @ line 321
a137c22f-f910-46a8-aaa7-8cbca1b19679 17:30:50: debug Sending enroll response
a137c22f-f910-46a8-aaa7-8cbca1b19679 17:30:50: debug refresh called

None working sensor.
a831e55c-ffa7-4c19-9a7c-c471fb1349e6 17:26:30: debug Sending enroll response
a831e55c-ffa7-4c19-9a7c-c471fb1349e6 17:26:30: debug refresh called

It just isnā€™t responding.
I have rebooted hub and app.
Any ideas anybody.

Just FYI - I modified an app that monitors when the last time devices check in with updates. Read about it here:

This would at least help catch these issues before they screw up your HA.

Great app and will look at implementing later. Not sure it will be pick up the issues though because the sensors so report temperature and lux if appropriate when they stop working.

if thatā€™s the case your right it wouldnā€™t work. Mine go completely dead.

My ST motion sensors continue to give me issues. The only way to get them to work again is by removing the battery waiting 10 seconds and then re-inserting the battery. My Fibaro Motion Sensors continue to work faultlessly. Two of these are further away than the ST ones. Sorry ST but itā€™s time to dump your motion sensors and invest in Fibaro.
Apart from the above my setup works brilliantly.

Glad to know Iā€™m not alone with this issue! One thing to add to the discussion is that my ST motion sensor stopped reporting motion changes at 19:35 yesterday, but continued to report temperature changes until 04:52 this morning, itā€™s last log entry was at 05:59 this morning to report the battery was at 100%. The hub is currently reporting that the sensor status is ACTIVE.

This sensor has been finicky since they day I got ST, I have two other motion sensors which work fine (one of which is further away from the hub), and I know removing & reinserting the battery will resolve the issue, but thatā€™s not a long-term fix! I may have to return this sensor under warranty.

Another long time stalker/first time poster.

I thought I would share my recent ST motion sensor experience with the group (long).

TL;DR: more than two lighting automation routines tied to a motion detector seems to confuse the hub.

I just received 3 new STMDs, and set one of them up to control the stairs light. Using Smart Lighting, I set up 3 routines consisting of different brightness and run times depending on time of day . . . 80% during the day, 30% in the evening, and 10% overnight.

I placed the sensor in the stairwell and it worked fine the first few times, then the light wouldnā€™t turn off. Looked at the logs and it was stuck in motion. It stayed that way for a long time. Figuring the sensor was bad, I paired a second sensor and swapped it out in the lighting automation routine. Same thingā€“worked fine for a while, then would not detect motion at all, even if I took it down and held it close to the hub.

A day goes by, and it starts working again. I opened the box on the first sensor, and voila!, itā€™s working again. I swap them out again (original sensor in place). Same resultā€“works fine for a while then stops. Swap them out again (the second sensor is now in place). Same result againā€“both sensors are stuck in either motion or no motion.

Try to pair the third sensor, and it will not pair no matter how many times I pull the battery and try to reset.

Then, I notice that the stairs light comes on randomly then goes off when everyone is in bed. Check the logsā€“motion detected even though it wasnā€™t tripped.

Find this threadā€“someone thinks it is hub related, not sensor related. Go to IDE, reboot hub, turn on live logging.

All of a sudden, after the reboot is complete, a flood of motion/no motion calls from these two sensors come through, as well as calls to turn on and off the light. It seems that the calls were cached, but the hub was confused and unable to process them.

I noticed that every single time the sensor is tripped, it runs all three lighting automations tied to the sensor and gives the instruction to trip or not trip the light if it falls within that time period.

I also noticed in the ST Android App, that the third LA routine (for night/10%) would never display the time ranges in the summary, even though if you went in to modify them, they would show up (wish i would have taken screen shots, but didnā€™t). Deleting and setting it up again would yield the same result.

I removed the third routine and changed the hours on the other two, and it seems to be working fine now.

Hope this helps anyone who is having ST motion problems.

I found that it doesnā€™t even have to be lighting automations, I removed a switch trigger from my dodgy motion sensor and it started working perfectly. I am so glad you posted your findings!

Adding my recent experience with a similar problem : Yesterday my hub (V1) stopped processing motion triggers for a few hours (24h almost exactly, from 3:56PM yesterday to 4:30PM today) for all my motion sensors (I have 2, from ST).

  • Rebooting the hub did not fix it (unplug/replug).
  • Removing a battery from the sensor did not fix it (it was out for only 5 seconds, not 30).
  • Sensors were still reporting temperature changes.
  • Motion were the only sensors affected (that I could tell; I have many sensors of other types).
  • I donā€™t have complex triggers, just push notifications, and they have not changed for many months.
  • I never noticed such problem before.

Without doing anything for few hours, I started receiving push notifications again, and all is good now.


I have 4 ST motion sensors, one everspring and 2 phillipsā€¦ THE ST ones keep failing and I am not prepared to take the batteries out all the time. I already broke the battery clip on one of them beforeā€¦

I think that the issue resides in the ST sensors using Zigbee and there is not much out there that will act as a zigbee repeater. Also, when moving the sensors around, it would appear that the mesh needs to heal itself.

I have my hub in the attic, but I plan to move this tomorrow and heal the network and hopefully the network of sensors will rebuild itself. Otherwise, I am going to insist on a refund as the ST sensors are not fit for purpose. I use them to run virtual thermostat as well as ligting and the wife is getting really hot and bothered in the dark!

Additionally, ST sent me a replacement sensor after I had to do all manner of jumping through hoops and showing them videos of the process I had followed. This however also seems to be a dodgy sensorā€¦

Will post my findings after a couple of days.

Iā€™ve been having problems with the ST motion sensors too. I have them at the top and bottom of the stairs to trigger a landing light. This only seems to work half the time, the sensors stop working roughly every other day. When itā€™s not working neither sensor reports any motion when Iā€™m stood in front of it. This problem seems to resolve itself over time, but is obviously annoying when youā€™re climbing the stairs in the dark. Thereā€™s also no way I can rely on the sensors for security. I have seen the light turn on and off several times in a row when itā€™s previously not been working so it does seem the hub is caching the results. I have emailed ST support, but the suggestion to take the batteries out when it happens makes the whole idea of having HA rather pointless, I might as well just use a lightswitch.

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I am going to hate myself for posting this and jinxing my setupā€¦

However, it would appear that the steps I carried out seemed to have resolved the issues with my ST motion sensors.

  1. Make sure you have placed all the sensors where they will be placed permanently.
  2. Turn off the ST hub and take out the batteries from the hub.
  3. Wait 15 minutes.
  4. Power up the hub again and wait for around 30 minutes for the zigbee mesh to heal itself and for each device to get to know their neighbors.

Also, make sure your hub is centrally placed to make sure all your sensors are well within a 35ft radius.

Alot of the ST kit uses Zigbee and the only repeaters I can see that will work reliably are the samsung smartthigns wall socket smart plugs.

Hope this helpsā€¦ and that this post hasnā€™t now disabled my sensors againā€¦

My sensors have been failing as well - they were fairly reliable over the last year or so but then recently (a few months ago?) things have really started to act up.

Iā€™ve been very frustrated with this.

Iā€™ve purchased repeaters, swapped out batteries, re-paired / changed devices etc. still getting major failures - Things work for a few times then fail - this morning my basement steps sensor stopped responding again. Removed it from the network and paired it again and it started working. Will have to try bringing shutting off the ST hub trick you mentioned. I thought Zigbee was supposed to be the ā€œbetterā€ protocol. The sensors do seem to respond faster (when they work) but the reliability right now is terrible.

My other recent issue is frequently my door sensors (Z-Wave this time) are reporting being opened but fail to register being closedā€¦ this is a pain cause I keep getting door opened alerts.

One thing Iā€™ve just done is remove the ā€œSONOS Connectā€ smart app - I remember something a while ago that said it could cause issues but I thought that had been resolved.

Plus 1 to st motion sensor problems. Very frustrating. I will power off the hub as suggested.

Not sure if this helps or not, but I have not successfully ever had my motion sensor work in a ā€œnormal stateā€. The sensor will stick in a motion detected state and never report anything until resetting it.

Fiddling with it a little it seems that, at least for mine, the white cover is causing some kind of issue. If I completely remove the cover, everything appears to work fine and no lost connectivity. If i put the cover back on then nothing happens. If i take the cover off within a few minutes the activity from the sensor is received all at once (multiple detection on and off, as well as the temp).

I have 15 of the new motion sensors. They have been installed for about 3 weeks. At least every other day I have to reset 2 or more. I have been keeping a log and not with standing the bull the tech support has offered I have found that when I move the sensors around the house to account for location, distance, and any other potential interference it is always the same sensors that have problems. I would suggest that if one needs to always be monitoring and resetting the sensors then they can not be depended on and are little more than toys to be played with.
Out of 15 sensors over 21 days I have found that 10 sensors have needed to be reset 2 or more times and 5 sensors have never needed to be reset. Or stated another way 2 out of 3 sensors are not reliably.
I have found that 6 out of 15 sensors or 40% have needed to be reset at least once per week or more.
Clearly these sensors can not be depended on for any practical purpose.
And before someone suggest it is ā€œlocationā€ keep in mind that as I stated in the beginning the sensors have been rotated to adjust for different locations.
Tech support has been little more than a time waster since their solution has been either to reset the device, which I have checked and have done for 21 days, or it must be the location, failing to hear or acknowledge that I have rotated 15 devices for 21 days so I know with certainty that problems follow devices and that locations do not have problems with the 4 sensors that always work. Unfortunately when only 4 out of 15 sensors can be depended on there is a problem.

I have had another round of trouble the last few days. All these sensors were previously reliable. Got everything back and working by removing battery of a dozen or so motion sensors and open/closed sensors this evening. We will see how long it lasts. Very disappointing.