[OBSOLETE] MyQ Lite Door and Lamp Control (for Liftmaster/Chamberlain)

Three Cheers for Brian!! I’d happily contribute to a GoFundMe page for this integration.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to explain to my wife why Alexa won’t open the garage door anymore.

Brian, you’re a marriage saver!


Ditto here

lol! You can tell her I’m on it. No need for GoFundMe unless you know of a way I can purchase more time in my day.

Good news is I understand the new flow and have successfully generated an auth token with javascript. However, translating that into groovy in ST is going to be…interesting. At least part of it may necessitate me setting up a cloud server to host a function to generate part of the “challenge” used to request oauth tokens, but that is certainly doable and would not need to be called very often. Still a lot to do but it does still look attainable.


I have a direct line to the “Father of Time” I’ll work on it.

Sorry for all the Groovy backwards coding. Must be frustrating. I’m sure you can’t wait for things to go fully Lua

I had to switch all my automations over to the MYQ stuff since this stopped working - my Wife was getting annoyed as well. I had it set up to open the door when she is down the block and close the door when she was leaving. She didn’t understand why she now had to manually open/close it herself which caused me to get yelled at. lol

I’m keeping an eye on this page constantly for any updates so I can switch back.

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The password I use for the MYQ IOS application wont work in the MYQ Lite smartthings app, anyone else experiencing same.

Yup thanks for your work on this Brian I too am still having login issues even after the latest repo update. I was on vacay for the last week so didn’t notice this was broken until last night.

Read all the posts for the past 5 to 6 days above :slight_smile:

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I bypassed Chamberlain a long time ago by using a Z-Wave relay in parallel with the wired switch panel on my garage door controllers.

My Chamberlain gate controller is another problem however because it does not have a wired panel switch and can only be controlled via a remote or the MyQ hub.

While we are waiting for Brian to address the latest changes from Chamberlain, I decided to brut force a fix by modifying one of my remotes to be controlled by a ZigBee relay. If anyone is interested, I published a video here:


Regardless of whether or not the issue is resolved, having remote access to a remote will provide a solid backup if anything should go wrong in the future.

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Your work on this is much appreciated Brian.


Just curious… Is anyone else seeing occasional delayed login, unsuccessful login, and/or unsuccessful door operations through My Q since? I ask because I can’t help but feel this may hamper Brian’s efforts if this is an indication they are having issues on their end…

@brbeaird , Thank you for all you do for us!

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I’ve been following some of the other integration projects, and a few people have reported intermittent connection issues. It seems to be related to maintenance MyQ is continuing to do. Either way, it has not gotten in my way. Progress is happening, but it’s slow going. We’ll get there.


Thanks for your efforts! I can’t tell you how much your SmartApp has been in providing my family security and convenience. Truly awesome work.

Second that. Eagerly awaiting a fix…thank you

Quick update - things are still slowly moving along after I got some good time with it last night. I am pushing the SmartThings (limited) groovy implementation to the absolute limits of what it was designed to do. At first I messed around with the native SmartThings smartapp oauth flow, but MyQ’s oauth implementation is super locked down and is for sure not going to do the redirect that would be needed for that.

So that leaves me with replicating the flow in a much more tedious way. The first step was spinning up my own endpoint that would generate pkce a challenge/verify pair - that piece is working great, and I can get the data from within the SmartApp now. I’m glad to keep that endpoint up for this as it’s not super expensive, and for sure those of you who have kindly donated will support that cost.

The next step was getting to the MyQ login page. But the hardest part of that was parsing it to get the verification string out of the HTML. The HttpGet method in groovy is really not set up well to easily deal with an html response. Thankfully, after a few lucky searches through the ST forums, I found enough related old posts that pointed me in the right direction to see how to traverse the hierarchy that gets created in the response.

That’s where I am now. I still have about 3 more steps before I get the oauth login token. If I can get to that point, I will be able to say for certain we’ll be good to go. I do have a fallback plan in mind involving an .exe people could run to get a token, but I hope it doesn’t come to that.


So how or where can I donate?

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If you feel so inclined, there are donate links at the top of this forum thread or in the github repository link (bottom of the readme if you prefer those options).

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Please consider joining me in writing Chamberlain to allow open options via IFTTT and Google Assistant. Hopefully, if they get a large enough response the open function can be added to IFTTT and then Brian doesn’t have to continually update.


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Why not ask Chamberlain for a direct integration to ST instead? :slight_smile:


I suppose you could do that as well. I am happy with anything that integrates for no monthly fee.