[OBSOLETE]Intermatic PE653 Pool Control System

@magicshot, you are right, at this point the schedule functions are only API cimmands that “could” be called by an as yet undeveloped SmartApp. I have started working on a SnartApp for this purpose but it will be some time (months) before it is working as I have limited time to work on it. I published the basic specs for the API functions in case someone out there had time and skills to develop a SmartApp…

@magicshot, I believe you said you have Intermatic firmware V3.9. Have you been able to confirm if DTH v3.05 has fixed the set temperature issue?

I’ll try and check it out tonight. Thanks!

Hi all,

What sort of deadband is there on the PE653 heater control? Today the pool was 82 and I wanted to heat it to 84, but the heater didn’t activate until I raised it to 85, so I was thinking there might be a ±2 F deadband. Can anyone confirm this? Is the deadband configurable?

Regarding the DTH, is there any way to add additional “M” buttons? I have use cases for at least five here.

Also, is there any way to add other Z-wave components to the DTH? I have two other switches for pool and landscape lights that would be nice to add to the DTH.

Thanks for any help you can provide!


@KeithR, how hard would it be to make an entry to the events when the temp refreshes. I’d be curious to see the temp fluctuations across time of day and air temp. If it is something I could work in tandem with you, I’d be more then happy to lend a hand.


@KeithR can you explain what the Heat icon (lower left in this picture) is indicating? I have a solar heater, so nothing “turns on” per se, except a valve. At the time, the valve was off.

If it helps, here’s the device in the IDE.

@gt1gt1, that would be very easy. I’m out of town right now but returning home tomorrow. Should be able to knock that out quickly.

Charles, for my setup, this literally indicates that the PE653 has detected that the water temp sensor is reporting a temperature below the setpoint, and has turned on the heater (electric heat pump) by closing a relay that I have wired to the heater. I am not familiar with the solar setup. Does the PE653 actuate the “valve” you mentioned? If so, is there any indication of this on your PE963 remote? If so, I may be able to add something for that.

@kenfeyl, the DTH makes no heat on/off decisions itself (deadband), this all happens in the PE653. Any deadband would be implemented there. From my own observations my heater seems to come on as soon as the temp is even 1 degree below the setpoint.

This is strictly for a laugh from everyone. I guess it’s a bit hot in the northeast. First pic is after I turned the system on, second is a few mins later. :grin:

My PE653 failed to turn my Chlorine Pump twice this week. It worked fine for weeks. The schedule is still there.

I have remove the link to that circuit being a “cleaner” with pump at required speed. All I can think of is some times it reads the speed wrong and thinks it can’t run the cleaner. So I removed that dependency. Making a change like that clears all schedules. I put them in again and worked. But won’t know for weeks if it’s more reliable.

@gt1gt1, I just published version 3.0.6 of the DTH that makes the temperature change events visible. There are three separate events (Water, Freeze, Solar). You should be able to subscribe to these in a SmartApp or include them in CoRE pistons. Here it is:


@KeithR, Installed and published, now just need to wait for temp changes :-). I also installed Simple Event Logger ( https://community.smartthings.com/t/release-simple-event-logger/69879 ) to capture the events. Can you let me know if that should be ok? Also, just so you are aware, I am still getting an OutOfBounds Error in the logger (see below). One thing to note, last version I had installed (3.04), it was at line 799, now its at 806.

6:27:40 PM: error java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 32 @line 806 (zwaveEventManufacturerProprietary)

6:27:40 PM: debug ManufacturerProprietary event, [1]:40 [4]:87 payload: 05 40 02 02 87 00 01 02 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 10 04 00 00 00 00 00 12 1B 01 01 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


@CAL7, bumping this question. Any insights would be appreciated. Will probably do some work on the DTH this weekend.

Hi, Keith. I’m sorry, but I’ve been out of the country for awhile and won’t be able to experiment for about another week.

But, yes, the PE653 controls the solar valve based upon temperature. The PE953 shows a hearing status when the valve is actuated. It’s on the bottom right of the screen (you can see it in the PE953 pictures I sent you a couple of months ago).

I must be missing something really obvious. I’ve spent the last few hours (and several attempts over the last few months) trying various ways to pair the PE653 with ST, but nothing seems to work. I have the PE653, PE935 and ST hub all within 2 feet of each other. The ST is hardwired to internet. My PE953 is firmware 34P, and the PE653 is 34 (top right of controller states 34-34P).

I add device in ST, it just searches and searches. If I push the INCLUDE button on PE653 control unit, it just flashes 3 times and stops. If I go through P/S+ENTER setup on PE953 and hit 3 ADD DEVICE, it also searches and times out after a while, never finding a device.

AHA I had to RESET the PE953 and PE653 both back to factory defaults/unpair them. Then ST was able to add the PE653. In case anyone else runs across this and misses that step.

@KeithR Thanks for creating this device handler. I have installed and works perfectly. I have used M1-M3 to create various scenarios of spa temperature, lights etc. I have set my lights up as one of the switches and they appear as a child device that I can control through Routines, Scenes, Alexa connection etc. Is there any way to also control spa temperature in a similar fashion?

Good evening… I am a new spa owner and was researching automation with ST for it. I apologize if I dont want to read for 13 days and 736 replies but is there a more updated (there is 6 years of content here) guide for this?
Has anyone put together a hardware list with directions for installation that is the current working set per sae? With these long threads its tough to find whats current etc.
thank you folks

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I have the same question.

Can we set PE653 Clock with this DTH?

This DTH is for the Intermatic PE653. If you have one, then I have to say that this is the best integration of it into a home automation system that I’ve seen (I previously tried on Vera with limited success). If you don’t currently have a PE653, you should check out the product page to get an idea of what it does and what installation entails (it needs to be wired into the 110/220v lines that supply your pool/spa equipment):


Required equipment is just a ST hub and a PE653. I’d also recommend the PE953 remote so that you always have a way to control the system locally. Otherwise, you may need additional equipment if you want to control valves, lights, heater, blower, etc.

The hardest part of the DTH install is getting ST and the Intermatic equipment talking. Post #238 in this thread lays out the procedure - just follow it step by step.

The instructions to install the DTH are in KeithR26’s GitHub:

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