[OBSOLETE] IKEA Tradfri Button -- help needed (DTH in post 36)

Sorry this took so long…


Just registered an account so I could say thanks for this. I spent about 3 hours following (incorrect) directions from another thread before I found this. It’s so much easier now! Thank you!

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Newbie here, sorry, but-

Post 36’s DTH fixes it for the puck/dimmer… but what about the 5-button remote (“IKEA TRADFRI Remote control”)?
I haven’t found any good DTH that will get the remote control working.

To be clear, I think that people who tried connected Jonas Laursen’s dimmer code to the 5-button remote were tricked into thinking it worked. It doesn’t - the remote is directly connected to the bulbs, and is not sending any signals to smartthings. (at least that’s what I think…)

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I think you are right. I don’t know why people are talking about the 5 button remote in this thread about the button DTH. Maybe they are just hoping it works?

Because, if you read the first post in this thread it specifically says 5 button switch…


I’ve bought another one of these as I heard about the updated firmware, and it’s cheaper to buy a new one than it is to buy a Tradfri gateway and update it myself. I may or may not return the old one I had in the new box for a refund :wink:

I think I’d read somewhere that they were now working - unfortunately I seem to be confused, and what is working is Hue integration. That’s a bit sad as I’m slowly moving away from Hue lights, but still have a few left.

Can anyone confirm if they’ve got the FIVE BUTTON remote - the one this thread is about, since the dimmer isn’t a button at all - working directly to SmartThings, without needing Tradfri bulbs, Hue gateway or any other stuff in between. If so, what’s your button firmware?

Using a DH I found on here I can pair it, but no button pushes are received and the battery status never moves from 0%. Live logging doesn’t pick up anything after the initial pairing.


This is my experience as well. I’m trying to write one but got stuck with binding to the hub. I have some I. Go up on another thread. Building a Device Handler for IKEA 5 button remote?

It seems weird that the remote only broadcasts to devices it is paired with and not the Hub, but that’s what I am experiencing as well. I’m gonna look into this some more tonight. I just got an idea that might be stupid enough to work…

It’s not weird, it’s a choice which is made for some battery operated remotes because it significantly extends the battery life. Zwave local scene controllers work the same way. Engineering is always about balancing conflicting requirements. :sunglasses:

I have a ST Hub 2, and I am not developer.
Is there anywhere github with solution where IKEA 5 remote button works with Smartthings or not?
I get it connected and is just visible “as a Thing” without any function.

Or this is not even possible to have code for this device?

Guess there’s no way now to get ikea remote working natively with ST :frowning: ST’s got native support for ikea bulbs only.

Thanks! I used this guide last time but couldn’t find it again, thanks!!

This is DTH for Tradfri Dimmer, not Tradfri 5 Remote button…

The IKEA E1810 TRADFRI button/remote is supported by the new SmartThings app. You can add it easily. The App crashes for me when I try to add actions to button press, but it works through the Smart Lighting SmartApp. Need to use button 1 to 5 from the remote, not from the left, right, etc.

It also works when meanwhile paired with individual TRADFRI lamps. I control with the top, middle, bottom buttons a lamp directly, meanwhile I use left and right to do additional actions through SmartThings.

Can you please write more details, which DTH are you using? Does it work in SmartThings classic app? (i can not use a new app), also if buttons are working now, means I can turn something else on, when button is pressed? Tx

I’ve found the option in the new app. Probably it would work with the classic app too, but I haven’t tried with that.
In the new app add device, scroll down to the other manufacturer’s list, select IKEA, Lighting, then the IKEA TRADFRI Driver for wireless controll. Then it will give you the steps how to do it. No need to download or select DHT. I had to reset the device to be able to pair. It shows all buttons in the new app, but not in the classic. You can assigne Smart Lighting automation to the button press or hold.

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ok, tx, it will be good to have direct DTH and be able to use it in smartthings classic app…, anyone?

Why can’t you use the new app? I am not using it most of the time, but some complex features are available only there (washing machine, vacuum cleaner).
The new app requires only to assigne all your things to a room. Then it is ready to go.
The remote is visible in the classic app after pairing, but there are no option there to press the buttons. That feature is only available in the new app. Otherwise everything is working with the new app, and the buttons can he assigne to actions through the Smart Lighting smartapp. Or whatever you want to use. I think it works great, and it is easy to pair. But you can try to pair it through the Classic app too. Motion sensors were recognized by the Classic app without any issue.

I am unable to use new app, due to Samsung account / region issues, Supports says that I have to wait for all accounts upgrade, or open a new account. But it is much longer story, and I do not want to open a new account and setup everything etc.

Honestly, this sounds bolocks. @SmartThings is pushing the new app and hasn’t released any update for the classis app for almost a year. And meanwhile some users unable to use the new app. This must be a joke. Try to pair with the classic app, but remove any DH what was related to this remote. It might would work. Reset the remote with the 4 press in 5 seconds and wait to pair and show up.