[OBSOLETE] Gentle Wake Up With Smart Weather!

Gentle Wake Up With Smart Weather

This new app is a way to have your color bulbs slowly turn on in the morning and additionally give you useful information for your day. This app will slowly turn on lights at a designated time to act as an alarm with colors based on the forecast.

It can use two lights (or two groups of lights) and will set the color of the first group based on the forecasted high for that day, and the second group will be colored based on the weather forecast. If only one light (or light group) is selected then it will show the temperature for that day but not the forecast.

Temperature Colors: Blue to green to yellow to orange to red (cold to hot)
Forecast colors: Sunny - Yellow; Cloudy - Pink; Rain - Purple; Thunder - orange; Snow - Blue

The code is working fine, the last thing I want to do is tweak the installation screens to be a bit more informative and user friendly. I figured I would put it out here to see if there were any comments or suggestions while I was still working on the app. You can always find the latest code from my github repo.

Credits: I based my app by modifying and updating the wonderful Gentle Wake Up app written by @steve_vlaminck.

V1 source code:

 *  Gentle Wake Up With Smart Weather
 *  Copyright 2015 Jim Worley
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * Description:  This app will slowly turn on lights at a designated time to act as an alarm with colors based on the forecast.  
 *   It can use two lights (or two groups of lights) and will set the color of the first group based on the forecasted high for that day, 
 *     and the second group will be colored based on the weather forecast.  If only one light (or light group) is selected then it will
 *     show the temperature for that day but not the forecast.
 *   Temperature Colors:  Blue to green to yellow to orange to red (cold to hot)
 *    Forecast colors: Sunny - Yellow; Cloudy - Pink; Rain - Purple; Thunder - orange; Snow - Blue
 *   Credits to the Gental Wake Up app which was the base for this app.
 * Author: Jim Worley
 * Date: 2015-08-03
    name: "Gentle Wake Up With Smart Weather",
    namespace: "NoName4444",
    author: "Jim Worley",
    description: "This app will slowly turn on lights at a designated time to act as an alarm with colors based on the forcast.",
    category: "My Apps",
    iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Developers/smart-light-timer.png",
    iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Developers/smart-light-timer@2x.png",
    iconX3Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Developers/smart-light-timer@2x.png") {
    appSetting "forcastKey"

preferences {
	page(name: "rootPage")
	page(name: "schedulingPage")
	page(name: "completionPage")
	page(name: "numbersPage")

def rootPage() {
	dynamicPage(name: "rootPage", title: "", install: true, uninstall: true) {

		section {
			input(name: "tempBulbs", type: "capability.colorControl", title: "Which color bulb(s) show Temperature", description: null, multiple: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true)

		if (tempBulbs) {
			section {
				input(name: "foreBulbs", type: "capability.colorControl", title: "Which color bulb(s) show the forecast (optional)", description: null, multiple: true, required: false)

			section {
				href(name: "toNumbersPage", page: "numbersPage", title: "Duration & Direction", description: numbersPageHrefDescription(), state: "complete")

			section {
				href(name: "toSchedulingPage", page: "schedulingPage", title: "Rules For Automatically Dimming Your Lights", description: schedulingHrefDescription(), state: schedulingHrefDescription() ? "complete" : "")

			section {
				href(name: "toCompletionPage", title: "Completion Actions (Optional)", page: "completionPage", state: completionHrefDescription() ? "complete" : "", description: completionHrefDescription())

			section {
				// TODO: fancy label
				label(title: "Label this SmartApp", required: false, defaultValue: "")

def numbersPage() {
	dynamicPage(name:"numbersPage", title:"") {

		section {
			paragraph(name: "pGraph", title: "These lights will show the temperature", fancyDeviceString(tempBulbs))
			if (foreBulbs) {
			  paragraph(name: "pGraph2", title: "and these lights will show the forecast", fancyDeviceString(foreBulbs))

		section {
			input(name: "duration", type: "number", title: "For this many minutes", description: "30", required: false, defaultValue: 30)

		section {
			input(name: "startLevel", type: "number", range: "0..99", title: "From this level", defaultValue: 0, description: "Between 0 and 99", required: true, multiple: false)
			input(name: "endLevel", type: "number", range: "0..99", title: "To this level", defaultValue: 99, description: "Between 0 and 99, greater than the From", required: true, multiple: false)

def schedulingPage() {
	dynamicPage(name: "schedulingPage", title: "Rules For Automatically Dimming Your Lights") {

		section {
			input(name: "days", type: "enum", title: "Allow Automatic Dimming On These Days", description: "Every day", required: false, multiple: true, options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"])

		section {
			input(name: "modeStart", title: "Start when entering this mode", type: "mode", required: false, mutliple: false, submitOnChange: true)
			if (modeStart) {
				input(name: "modeStop", title: "Stop when leaving '${modeStart}' mode", type: "bool", required: false)

		section {
			input(name: "startTime", type: "time", title: "Start Dimming At This Time", description: null, required: false)
		section ("Zip code (optional, defaults to location coordinates)...") {
			input "zipcode", "text", title: "Zip Code", required: false


def completionPage() {
	dynamicPage(name: "completionPage", title: "Completion Rules") {

		section("Switches") {
			input(name: "completionSwitches", type: "capability.switch", title: "Set these switches", description: null, required: false, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true)
			if (completionSwitches || androidClient()) {
				input(name: "completionSwitchesState", type: "enum", title: "To", description: null, required: false, multiple: false, options: ["on", "off"], style: "segmented", defaultValue: "on")
				input(name: "completionSwitchesLevel", type: "number", title: "Optionally, Set Dimmer Levels To", description: null, required: false, multiple: false, range: "(0..99)")

		section("Notifications") {
			input("recipients", "contact", title: "Send notifications to") {
				input(name: "completionPhoneNumber", type: "phone", title: "Text This Number", description: "Phone number", required: false)
				input(name: "completionPush", type: "bool", title: "Send A Push Notification", description: "Phone number", required: false)
			input(name: "completionMusicPlayer", type: "capability.musicPlayer", title: "Speak Using This Music Player", required: false)
			input(name: "completionMessage", type: "text", title: "With This Message", description: null, required: false)

		section("Modes and Phrases") {
			input(name: "completionMode", type: "mode", title: "Change ${location.name} Mode To", description: null, required: false)
			input(name: "completionPhrase", type: "enum", title: "Execute The Phrase", description: null, required: false, multiple: false, options: location.helloHome.getPhrases().label)

		section("Delay") {
			input(name: "completionDelay", type: "number", title: "Delay This Many Minutes Before Executing These Actions", description: "0", required: false)

// ========================================================
// Handlers
// ========================================================

def installed() {
	log.debug "Installing 'Gentle Wake Up' with settings: ${settings}"


def updated() {
	log.debug "Updating 'Gentle Wake Up' with settings: ${settings}"


private initialize() {

	if (startTime) {
		log.debug "scheduling dimming routine to run at $startTime"
		schedule(startTime, "scheduledStart")

	// TODO: make this an option
	subscribe(app, appHandler)

	subscribe(location, locationHandler)

def appHandler(evt) {
	log.debug "appHandler evt: ${evt.value}"
	if (evt.value == "touch") {
		if (atomicState.running) {
		} else {

def locationHandler(evt) {
	log.debug "locationHandler evt: ${evt.value}"

	if (!modeStart) {

	def isSpecifiedMode = (evt.value == modeStart)
	def modeStopIsTrue = (modeStop && modeStop != "false")

	if (isSpecifiedMode && canStartAutomatically()) {
	} else if (!isSpecifiedMode && modeStopIsTrue) {


// ========================================================
// Scheduling
// ========================================================

def scheduledStart() {
	if (canStartAutomatically()) {

def start() {
	log.trace "START"

	if (endLevel <= startLevel) {
		log.error "The end level is smaller than the start level.  Booo."



	atomicState.running = true

	atomicState.start = new Date().getTime()

	schedule("0 * * * * ?", "healthCheck")

def stop() {
	log.trace "STOP"

	atomicState.running = false
	atomicState.start = 0


private healthCheck() {
	log.trace "'Gentle Wake Up' healthCheck"

	if (!atomicState.running) {


// ========================================================
// Setting levels
// ========================================================

private increment() {

	if (!atomicState.running) {

	def percentComplete = completionPercentage()

	if (percentComplete > 99) {
		percentComplete = 99


	if (percentComplete < 99) {

		def runAgain = stepDuration()
		log.debug "Rescheduling to run again in ${runAgain} seconds"

		runIn(runAgain, 'increment', [overwrite: true])

	} else {

		int completionDelay = completionDelaySeconds()
		if (completionDelay) {
			log.debug "Finished with steps. Scheduling completion for ${completionDelay} second(s) from now"
			runIn(completionDelay, 'completion', [overwrite: true])
			// don't let the health check start incrementing again while we wait for the delayed execution of completion
		} else {
			log.debug "Finished with steps. Execution completion"


def updateDimmers(percentComplete) {
	//Set the color and brightness of the temperature bulb
	tempBulbs.each { dimmer ->
		def nextLevel = dynamicLevel(dimmer, percentComplete)
		dimmer.setColor([hue: atomicState.tempHue, saturation: 100, level: nextLevel])

	if (foreBulbs){
		foreBulbs.each { dimmer ->
			def nextLevel = dynamicLevel(dimmer, percentComplete)
			dimmer.setColor([hue: atomicState.foreHue, saturation: 100, level: nextLevel])

int dynamicLevel(dimmer, percentComplete) {
	def start = atomicState.startLevels[dimmer.id]
	def end = dynamicEndLevel()

	if (!percentComplete) {
		return start

	def totalDiff = end - start
	def actualPercentage = percentComplete / 100
	def percentOfTotalDiff = totalDiff * actualPercentage

	(start + percentOfTotalDiff) as int

// ========================================================
// Completion
// ========================================================

private completion() {
	log.trace "Starting completion block"

	if (!atomicState.running) {






private handleCompletionSwitches() {
	completionSwitches.each { completionSwitch ->

		def isDimmer = hasSetLevelCommand(completionSwitch)

		if (completionSwitchesLevel && isDimmer) {
		} else {
			def command = completionSwitchesState ?: "on"

private handleCompletionMessaging() {
	if (completionMessage) {
		if (location.contactBookEnabled) {
			sendNotificationToContacts(completionMessage, recipients)
		} else {
			if (completionPhoneNumber) {
				sendSms(completionPhoneNumber, completionMessage)
			if (completionPush) {
		if (completionMusicPlayer) {

private handleCompletionModesAndPhrases() {

	if (completionMode) {

	if (completionPhrase) {


def speak(message) {
	def sound = textToSpeech(message)
	def soundDuration = (sound.duration as Integer) + 2
	log.debug "Playing $sound.uri"
	log.debug "Scheduled resume in $soundDuration sec"
	runIn(soundDuration, resumePlaying, [overwrite: true])

def resumePlaying() {
	log.trace "resumePlaying()"
	def sonos = completionMusicPlayer
	if (sonos) {
		def currentTrack = sonos.currentState("trackData").jsonValue
		if (currentTrack.status == "playing") {
		} else {

// ========================================================
// Helpers
// ========================================================

def setLevelsInState() {
	def startLevels = [:]
	tempBulbs.each { dimmer ->
		startLevels[dimmer.id] = startLevel
		//It can take a moment before the first bulb update, so lets go ahead and turn down the brightness
		dimmer.setColor([level: startLevel])
	if (foreBulbs){
	  foreBulbs.each { dimmer ->
		startLevels[dimmer.id] = startLevel
		//It can take a moment before the first bulb update, so lets go ahead and turn down the brightness
		dimmer.setColor([level: startLevel])

	atomicState.startLevels = startLevels

def canStartAutomatically() {

	def today = new Date().format("EEEE")
	log.debug "today: ${today}, days: ${days}"

	if (!days || days.contains(today)) {// if no days, assume every day
		return true

	log.trace "should not run"
	return false

def completionPercentage() {
	log.trace "checkingTime"

	if (!atomicState.running) {

	int now = new Date().getTime()
	int diff = now - atomicState.start
	int totalRunTime = totalRunTimeMillis()
	int percentOfRunTime = (diff / totalRunTime) * 100
	log.debug "percentOfRunTime: ${percentOfRunTime}"


int totalRunTimeMillis() {
	int minutes = sanitizeInt(duration, 30)
	def seconds = minutes * 60
	def millis = seconds * 1000
	return millis as int

int dynamicEndLevel() {
	return endLevel as int

private hasSetLevelCommand(device) {
	def isDimmer = false
	device.supportedCommands.each {
		if (it.name.contains("setLevel")) {
			isDimmer = true
	return isDimmer

private int sanitizeInt(i, int defaultValue = 0) {
	try {
		if (!i) {
			return defaultValue
		} else {
			return i as int
	catch (Exception e) {
		log.debug e
		return defaultValue

private completionDelaySeconds() {
	int completionDelayMinutes = sanitizeInt(completionDelay)
	int completionDelaySeconds = (completionDelayMinutes * 60)
	return completionDelaySeconds ?: 0

private stepDuration() {
	int minutes = sanitizeInt(duration, 30)
	int stepDuration = (minutes * 60) / 100
	return stepDuration ?: 1

private debug(message) {
	log.debug "${message}\nstate: ${state}"

public smartThingsDateFormat() { "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" }

public humanReadableStartDate() {
	new Date().parse(smartThingsDateFormat(), startTime).format("h:mm a", timeZone(startTime))

def fancyString(listOfStrings) {

	def fancify = { list ->
		return list.collect {
			def label = it
			if (list.size() > 1 && it == list[-1]) {
				label = "and ${label}"
		}.join(", ")

	return fancify(listOfStrings)

def fancyDeviceString(devices = []) {
	fancyString(devices.collect { deviceLabel(it) })

def deviceLabel(device) {
	return device.label ?: device.name

def schedulingHrefDescription() {

	def descriptionParts = []
	if (days) {
		descriptionParts << "On ${fancyString(days)},"

    if (foreBulbs){
		descriptionParts << "${fancyDeviceString(tempBulbs)} and ${fancyDeviceString(foreBulbs)} will start dimming"
	else {
		descriptionParts << "${fancyDeviceString(tempBulbs)} will start dimming"

	if (startTime) {
		descriptionParts << "at ${humanReadableStartDate()}"

	if (modeStart) {
		if (startTime) {
			descriptionParts << "or"
		descriptionParts << "when ${location.name} enters '${modeStart}' mode"

	if (descriptionParts.size() <= 1) {
		// dimmers will be in the list no matter what. No rules are set if only dimmers are in the list
		return null

	return descriptionParts.join(" ")

def completionHrefDescription() {

	def descriptionParts = []
	def example = "Switch1 will be turned on. Switch2, Switch3, and Switch4 will be dimmed to 50%. The message '<message>' will be spoken, sent as a text, and sent as a push notification. The mode will be changed to '<mode>'. The phrase '<phrase>' will be executed"

	if (completionSwitches) {
		def switchesList = []
		def dimmersList = []

		completionSwitches.each {
			def isDimmer = completionSwitchesLevel ? hasSetLevelCommand(it) : false

			if (isDimmer) {
				dimmersList << deviceLabel(it)

			if (!isDimmer) {
				switchesList << deviceLabel(it)

		if (switchesList) {
			descriptionParts << "${fancyString(switchesList)} will be turned ${completionSwitchesState ?: 'on'}."

		if (dimmersList) {
			descriptionParts << "${fancyString(dimmersList)} will be dimmed to ${completionSwitchesLevel}%."


	if (completionMessage && (completionPhoneNumber || completionPush || completionMusicPlayer)) {
		def messageParts = []

		if (completionMusicPlayer) {
			messageParts << "spoken"
		if (completionPhoneNumber) {
			messageParts << "sent as a text"
		if (completionPush) {
			messageParts << "sent as a push notification"

		descriptionParts << "The message '${completionMessage}' will be ${fancyString(messageParts)}."

	if (completionMode) {
		descriptionParts << "The mode will be changed to '${completionMode}'."

	if (completionPhrase) {
		descriptionParts << "The phrase '${completionPhrase}' will be executed."

	return descriptionParts.join(" ")

def numbersPageHrefDescription() {
	def title = "All bulbs will dim for ${duration ?: '30'} minutes from ${startLevel ?: '0'} to ${endLevel ?: '99'} and the color will be set based on the weather."

    return title

//This will query for the local forecast and set the temp color and the forecast color
def setWeatherColors() {
	def forecast
  if(locationIsDefined()) {
		if(zipcodeIsValid()) {
            forecast = getWeatherFeature("forecast", zipcode )       
		} else {
			log.warn "Invalid or missing zipcode entered, defaulting to location's zipcode"
            forecast = getWeatherFeature("forecast") }
	} else {
		log.error "Location is not defined"

	if (!forecast){
		atomicState.tempHue = 50
		atomicState.foreHue = 50

	def temp_f = forecast.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[0].high.fahrenheit.toInteger()
	def newforecast = forecast.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[0].icon
	log.debug "Today's temp will be: $temp_f"
	log.debug "and today's forecast is: $newforecast"

	switch (temp_f) {
		case Integer.MIN_VALUE..20:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 75
		case 21..35:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 66.4
		case 36..45:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 58.1
		case 46..55:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 49.8
		case 56..65:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 41.5
		case 66..75:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 33.2
		case 76..85:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 24.9
		case 86..95:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 16.6
		case 96..105:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 8.3
		case 106..integer.MAX_VALUE:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 0
	switch (newforecast){
		case ["chanceflurries","chancesleet","chancesnow","flurries","sleet","snow"]:  //Snow
		  atomicState.foreHue = 83
		case ["chancerain","rain"]:
		  atomicState.foreHue = 75
	    case ["chancetstorms","tstorms"]:
		  atomicState.foreHue = 10
	    case ["clear","fog","mostlysunny","partlysunny","sunny","unknown"]:
		  atomicState.foreHue = 25
	    case ["cloudy","hazy","mostlycloudy","partlycloudy"]:
		  atomicState.foreHue = 37

	log.debug "The temp color hue is: ${atomicState.tempHue}"
	log.debug "The forecast color hue is: ${atomicState.foreHue}"

def locationIsDefined() {
	zipcodeIsValid() || location.zipCode || ( location.latitude && location.longitude )

def zipcodeIsValid() {
	zipcode && zipcode.isNumber() && zipcode.size() == 5

Well, it seems I had a bug when using the default settings for the timer. This has been fixed so the app works when the default settings are used!

 *  Gentle Wake Up With Smart Weather
 *  Copyright 2015 Jim Worley
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * Description:  This app will slowly turn on lights at a designated time to act as an alarm with colors based on the forecast.  
 *   It can use two lights (or two groups of lights) and will set the color of the first group based on the forecasted high for that day, 
 *     and the second group will be colored based on the weather forecast.  If only one light (or light group) is selected then it will
 *     show the temperature for that day but not the forecast.
 *   Temperature Colors:  Blue to green to yellow to orange to red (cold to hot)
 *    Forecast colors: Sunny - Yellow; Cloudy - Pink; Rain - Purple; Thunder - orange; Snow - Blue
 *   Credits to the Gental Wake Up app which was the base for this app.
 * Author: Jim Worley
 * Date: 2015-08-03
    name: "Gentle Wake Up With Smart Weather",
    namespace: "NoName4444",
    author: "Jim Worley",
    description: "This app will slowly turn on lights at a designated time to act as an alarm with colors based on the forcast.",
    category: "My Apps",
    iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Developers/smart-light-timer.png",
    iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Developers/smart-light-timer@2x.png",
    iconX3Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Developers/smart-light-timer@2x.png") {
    appSetting "forcastKey"

preferences {
	page(name: "rootPage")
	page(name: "schedulingPage")
	page(name: "completionPage")
	page(name: "numbersPage")

def rootPage() {
	dynamicPage(name: "rootPage", title: "", install: true, uninstall: true) {

		section {
			input(name: "tempBulbs", type: "capability.colorControl", title: "Which color bulb(s) show Temperature", description: null, multiple: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true)

		if (tempBulbs) {
			section {
				input(name: "foreBulbs", type: "capability.colorControl", title: "Which color bulb(s) show the forecast (optional)", description: null, multiple: true, required: false)

			section {
				href(name: "toNumbersPage", page: "numbersPage", title: "Duration & Direction", description: numbersPageHrefDescription(), state: "complete")

			section {
				href(name: "toSchedulingPage", page: "schedulingPage", title: "Rules For Automatically Dimming Your Lights", description: schedulingHrefDescription(), state: schedulingHrefDescription() ? "complete" : "")

			section {
				href(name: "toCompletionPage", title: "Completion Actions (Optional)", page: "completionPage", state: completionHrefDescription() ? "complete" : "", description: completionHrefDescription())

			section {
				// TODO: fancy label
				label(title: "Label this SmartApp", required: false, defaultValue: "")

def numbersPage() {
	dynamicPage(name:"numbersPage", title:"") {

		section {
			paragraph(name: "pGraph", title: "These lights will show the temperature", fancyDeviceString(tempBulbs))
			if (foreBulbs) {
			  paragraph(name: "pGraph2", title: "and these lights will show the forecast", fancyDeviceString(foreBulbs))

		section {
			input(name: "duration", type: "number", title: "For this many minutes", description: "30", required: false, defaultValue: 30)

		section {
			input(name: "startLevel", type: "number", range: "1..99", title: "From this level", defaultValue: 1, description: "Between 1 and 99", required: true, multiple: false)
			input(name: "endLevel", type: "number", range: "2..99", title: "To this level", defaultValue: 99, description: "Between 2 and 99, greater than the From", required: true, multiple: false)

def schedulingPage() {
	dynamicPage(name: "schedulingPage", title: "Rules For Automatically Dimming Your Lights") {

		section {
			input(name: "days", type: "enum", title: "Allow Automatic Dimming On These Days", description: "Every day", required: false, multiple: true, options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"])

		section {
			input(name: "modeStart", title: "Start when entering this mode", type: "mode", required: false, mutliple: false, submitOnChange: true)
			if (modeStart) {
				input(name: "modeStop", title: "Stop when leaving '${modeStart}' mode", type: "bool", required: false)

		section {
			input(name: "startTime", type: "time", title: "Start Dimming At This Time", description: null, required: false)
		section ("Zip code (optional, defaults to location coordinates)...") {
			input "zipcode", "text", title: "Zip Code", required: false


def completionPage() {
	dynamicPage(name: "completionPage", title: "Completion Rules") {

		section("Switches") {
			input(name: "completionSwitches", type: "capability.switch", title: "Set these switches", description: null, required: false, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true)
			if (completionSwitches || androidClient()) {
				input(name: "completionSwitchesState", type: "enum", title: "To", description: null, required: false, multiple: false, options: ["on", "off"], style: "segmented", defaultValue: "on")
				input(name: "completionSwitchesLevel", type: "number", title: "Optionally, Set Dimmer Levels To", description: null, required: false, multiple: false, range: "(0..99)")

		section("Notifications") {
			input("recipients", "contact", title: "Send notifications to") {
				input(name: "completionPhoneNumber", type: "phone", title: "Text This Number", description: "Phone number", required: false)
				input(name: "completionPush", type: "bool", title: "Send A Push Notification", description: "Phone number", required: false)
			input(name: "completionMusicPlayer", type: "capability.musicPlayer", title: "Speak Using This Music Player", required: false)
			input(name: "completionMessage", type: "text", title: "With This Message", description: null, required: false)

		section("Modes and Phrases") {
			input(name: "completionMode", type: "mode", title: "Change ${location.name} Mode To", description: null, required: false)
			input(name: "completionPhrase", type: "enum", title: "Execute The Phrase", description: null, required: false, multiple: false, options: location.helloHome.getPhrases().label)

		section("Delay") {
			input(name: "completionDelay", type: "number", title: "Delay This Many Minutes Before Executing These Actions", description: "0", required: false)

// ========================================================
// Handlers
// ========================================================

def installed() {
	log.debug "Installing 'Gentle Wake Up' with settings: ${settings}"


def updated() {
	log.debug "Updating 'Gentle Wake Up' with settings: ${settings}"


private initialize() {

	if (startTime) {
		log.debug "scheduling dimming routine to run at $startTime"
		schedule(startTime, "scheduledStart")

	// TODO: make this an option
	subscribe(app, appHandler)

	subscribe(location, locationHandler)

def appHandler(evt) {
	log.debug "appHandler evt: ${evt.value}"
	if (evt.value == "touch") {
		if (atomicState.running) {
		} else {

def locationHandler(evt) {
	log.debug "locationHandler evt: ${evt.value}"

	if (!modeStart) {

	def isSpecifiedMode = (evt.value == modeStart)
	def modeStopIsTrue = (modeStop && modeStop != "false")

	if (isSpecifiedMode && canStartAutomatically()) {
	} else if (!isSpecifiedMode && modeStopIsTrue) {


// ========================================================
// Scheduling
// ========================================================

def scheduledStart() {
	if (canStartAutomatically()) {

def start() {
	log.trace "START"

	if (dynamicEndLevel() <= dynamicStartLevel()) {
		log.error "The end level is smaller than the start level.  Booo."


	atomicState.running = true

	atomicState.start = new Date().getTime()

	schedule("0 * * * * ?", "healthCheck")

def stop() {
	log.trace "STOP"

	atomicState.running = false
	atomicState.start = 0


private healthCheck() {
	log.trace "'Gentle Wake Up' healthCheck"

	if (!atomicState.running) {


// ========================================================
// Setting levels
// ========================================================

private increment() {

	if (!atomicState.running) {

	def percentComplete = completionPercentage()

	if (percentComplete > 99) {
		percentComplete = 99


	if (percentComplete < 99) {

		def runAgain = stepDuration()
		log.debug "Rescheduling to run again in ${runAgain} seconds"

		runIn(runAgain, 'increment', [overwrite: true])

	} else {

		int completionDelay = completionDelaySeconds()
		if (completionDelay) {
			log.debug "Finished with steps. Scheduling completion for ${completionDelay} second(s) from now"
			runIn(completionDelay, 'completion', [overwrite: true])
			// don't let the health check start incrementing again while we wait for the delayed execution of completion
		} else {
			log.debug "Finished with steps. Execution completion"


def updateDimmers(percentComplete) {
	//Set the color and brightness of the temperature bulb
	tempBulbs.each { dimmer ->
		def nextLevel = dynamicLevel(dimmer, percentComplete)
		dimmer.setColor([hue: atomicState.tempHue, saturation: 100, level: nextLevel])

	if (foreBulbs){
		foreBulbs.each { dimmer ->
			def nextLevel = dynamicLevel(dimmer, percentComplete)
			dimmer.setColor([hue: atomicState.foreHue, saturation: 100, level: nextLevel])

int dynamicLevel(dimmer, percentComplete) {
	def start = dynamicStartLevel()
	def end = dynamicEndLevel()

	if (!percentComplete) {
		return start

	def totalDiff = end - start
	def actualPercentage = percentComplete / 100
	def percentOfTotalDiff = totalDiff * actualPercentage

	(start + percentOfTotalDiff) as int

// ========================================================
// Completion
// ========================================================

private completion() {
	log.trace "Starting completion block"

	if (!atomicState.running) {






private handleCompletionSwitches() {
	completionSwitches.each { completionSwitch ->

		def isDimmer = hasSetLevelCommand(completionSwitch)

		if (completionSwitchesLevel && isDimmer) {
		} else {
			def command = completionSwitchesState ?: "on"

private handleCompletionMessaging() {
	if (completionMessage) {
		if (location.contactBookEnabled) {
			sendNotificationToContacts(completionMessage, recipients)
		} else {
			if (completionPhoneNumber) {
				sendSms(completionPhoneNumber, completionMessage)
			if (completionPush) {
		if (completionMusicPlayer) {

private handleCompletionModesAndPhrases() {

	if (completionMode) {

	if (completionPhrase) {


def speak(message) {
	def sound = textToSpeech(message)
	def soundDuration = (sound.duration as Integer) + 2
	log.debug "Playing $sound.uri"
	log.debug "Scheduled resume in $soundDuration sec"
	runIn(soundDuration, resumePlaying, [overwrite: true])

def resumePlaying() {
	log.trace "resumePlaying()"
	def sonos = completionMusicPlayer
	if (sonos) {
		def currentTrack = sonos.currentState("trackData").jsonValue
		if (currentTrack.status == "playing") {
		} else {

// ========================================================
// Helpers
// ========================================================

def canStartAutomatically() {

	def today = new Date().format("EEEE")
	log.debug "today: ${today}, days: ${days}"

	if (!days || days.contains(today)) {// if no days, assume every day
		return true

	log.trace "should not run"
	return false

def completionPercentage() {
	log.trace "checkingTime"

	if (!atomicState.running) {

	int now = new Date().getTime()
	int diff = now - atomicState.start
	int totalRunTime = totalRunTimeMillis()
	int percentOfRunTime = (diff / totalRunTime) * 100
	log.debug "percentOfRunTime: ${percentOfRunTime}"


int totalRunTimeMillis() {
	int minutes = sanitizeInt(duration, 30)
	def seconds = minutes * 60
	def millis = seconds * 1000
	return millis as int

int dynamicStartLevel() {
	return startLevel ?: 1 as int

int dynamicEndLevel() {
	return endLevel ?: 99 as int

private hasSetLevelCommand(device) {
	def isDimmer = false
	device.supportedCommands.each {
		if (it.name.contains("setLevel")) {
			isDimmer = true
	return isDimmer

private int sanitizeInt(i, int defaultValue = 0) {
	try {
		if (!i) {
			return defaultValue
		} else {
			return i as int
	catch (Exception e) {
		log.debug e
		return defaultValue

private completionDelaySeconds() {
	int completionDelayMinutes = sanitizeInt(completionDelay)
	int completionDelaySeconds = (completionDelayMinutes * 60)
	return completionDelaySeconds ?: 0

private stepDuration() {
	int minutes = sanitizeInt(duration, 30)
	int stepDuration = (minutes * 60) / 100
	return stepDuration ?: 1

private debug(message) {
	log.debug "${message}\nstate: ${state}"

public smartThingsDateFormat() { "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" }

public humanReadableStartDate() {
	new Date().parse(smartThingsDateFormat(), startTime).format("h:mm a", timeZone(startTime))

def fancyString(listOfStrings) {

	def fancify = { list ->
		return list.collect {
			def label = it
			if (list.size() > 1 && it == list[-1]) {
				label = "and ${label}"
		}.join(", ")

	return fancify(listOfStrings)

def fancyDeviceString(devices = []) {
	fancyString(devices.collect { deviceLabel(it) })

def deviceLabel(device) {
	return device.label ?: device.name

def schedulingHrefDescription() {

	def descriptionParts = []
	if (days) {
		descriptionParts << "On ${fancyString(days)},"

    if (foreBulbs){
		descriptionParts << "${fancyDeviceString(tempBulbs)} and ${fancyDeviceString(foreBulbs)} will start dimming"
	else {
		descriptionParts << "${fancyDeviceString(tempBulbs)} will start dimming"

	if (startTime) {
		descriptionParts << "at ${humanReadableStartDate()}"

	if (modeStart) {
		if (startTime) {
			descriptionParts << "or"
		descriptionParts << "when ${location.name} enters '${modeStart}' mode"

	if (descriptionParts.size() <= 1) {
		// dimmers will be in the list no matter what. No rules are set if only dimmers are in the list
		return null

	return descriptionParts.join(" ")

def completionHrefDescription() {

	def descriptionParts = []
	def example = "Switch1 will be turned on. Switch2, Switch3, and Switch4 will be dimmed to 50%. The message '<message>' will be spoken, sent as a text, and sent as a push notification. The mode will be changed to '<mode>'. The phrase '<phrase>' will be executed"

	if (completionSwitches) {
		def switchesList = []
		def dimmersList = []

		completionSwitches.each {
			def isDimmer = completionSwitchesLevel ? hasSetLevelCommand(it) : false

			if (isDimmer) {
				dimmersList << deviceLabel(it)

			if (!isDimmer) {
				switchesList << deviceLabel(it)

		if (switchesList) {
			descriptionParts << "${fancyString(switchesList)} will be turned ${completionSwitchesState ?: 'on'}."

		if (dimmersList) {
			descriptionParts << "${fancyString(dimmersList)} will be dimmed to ${completionSwitchesLevel}%."


	if (completionMessage && (completionPhoneNumber || completionPush || completionMusicPlayer)) {
		def messageParts = []

		if (completionMusicPlayer) {
			messageParts << "spoken"
		if (completionPhoneNumber) {
			messageParts << "sent as a text"
		if (completionPush) {
			messageParts << "sent as a push notification"

		descriptionParts << "The message '${completionMessage}' will be ${fancyString(messageParts)}."

	if (completionMode) {
		descriptionParts << "The mode will be changed to '${completionMode}'."

	if (completionPhrase) {
		descriptionParts << "The phrase '${completionPhrase}' will be executed."

	return descriptionParts.join(" ")

def numbersPageHrefDescription() {
	def title = "All bulbs will dim for ${duration ?: '30'} minutes from ${startLevel ?: '0'} to ${endLevel ?: '99'} and the color will be set based on the weather."

    return title

//This will query for the local forecast and set the temp color and the forecast color
def setWeatherColors() {
	def forecast
  if(locationIsDefined()) {
		if(zipcodeIsValid()) {
            forecast = getWeatherFeature("forecast", zipcode )       
		} else {
			log.warn "Invalid or missing zipcode entered, defaulting to location's zipcode"
            forecast = getWeatherFeature("forecast") }
	} else {
		log.error "Location is not defined"

	if (!forecast){
		atomicState.tempHue = 50
		atomicState.foreHue = 50

	def temp_f = forecast.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[0].high.fahrenheit.toInteger()
	def newforecast = forecast.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[0].icon
	log.debug "Today's temp will be: $temp_f"
	log.debug "and today's forecast is: $newforecast"

	switch (temp_f) {
		case Integer.MIN_VALUE..20:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 75
		case 21..35:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 66.4
		case 36..45:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 58.1
		case 46..55:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 49.8
		case 56..65:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 41.5
		case 66..75:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 33.2
		case 76..85:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 24.9
		case 86..95:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 16.6
		case 96..105:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 8.3
		case 106..integer.MAX_VALUE:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 0
	switch (newforecast){
		case ["chanceflurries","chancesleet","chancesnow","flurries","sleet","snow"]:  //Snow
		  atomicState.foreHue = 83
		case ["chancerain","rain"]:
		  atomicState.foreHue = 75
	    case ["chancetstorms","tstorms"]:
		  atomicState.foreHue = 10
	    case ["clear","fog","mostlysunny","partlysunny","sunny","unknown"]:
		  atomicState.foreHue = 25
	    case ["cloudy","hazy","mostlycloudy","partlycloudy"]:
		  atomicState.foreHue = 37

	log.debug "The temp color hue is: ${atomicState.tempHue}"
	log.debug "The forecast color hue is: ${atomicState.foreHue}"

def locationIsDefined() {
	zipcodeIsValid() || location.zipCode || ( location.latitude && location.longitude )

def zipcodeIsValid() {
	zipcode && zipcode.isNumber() && zipcode.size() == 5

this looks really cool. thank you!

1 Like

Ok! I am finally happy with this app, so this is the final version unless there are new bugs found or new feature requests. If anyone actually installed it before and has it working, no need to upgrade. Version 1.1.0 brings error checking to the UI and outputting the full days forecast to Hello Home.

 *  Gentle Wake Up With Smart Weather v1.1.0
 *  Copyright 2015 Jim Worley
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * Description:  This app will slowly turn on lights at a designated time to act as an alarm with colors based on the forecast.  
 *   It can use two lights (or two groups of lights) and will set the color of the first group based on the forecasted high for that day, 
 *     and the second group will be colored based on the weather forecast.  If only one light (or light group) is selected then it will
 *     show the temperature for that day but not the forecast.
 *   Temperature Colors:  Blue to green to yellow to orange to red (cold to hot)
 *    Forecast colors: Sunny - Yellow; Cloudy - Pink; Rain - Purple; Thunder - orange; Snow - Blue
 *   Credits to the Gental Wake Up app which was the base for this app.
 * Author: Jim Worley
 * Date: 2015-08-03
    name: "Gentle Wake Up With Smart Weather",
    namespace: "NoName4444",
    author: "Jim Worley",
    description: "This app will slowly turn on lights at a designated time to act as an alarm with colors based on the forcast.",
    category: "My Apps",
    iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Developers/smart-light-timer.png",
    iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Developers/smart-light-timer@2x.png",
    iconX3Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Developers/smart-light-timer@2x.png") {
    appSetting "forcastKey"

preferences {
	page(name: "rootPage")
	page(name: "schedulingPage")
	page(name: "completionPage")
	page(name: "numbersPage")

* This is the main page the user will see.  First, they select a bulb or group of bulbs.
* Next there are multiple options they can choose.  Ideally they will select a second bulb (or second group of bulbs)
def rootPage() {
	dynamicPage(name: "rootPage", title: "", install: true, uninstall: true) {

		section {
			input(name: "tempBulbs", type: "capability.colorControl", title: "Which color bulb(s) show Temperature", description: null, multiple: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true)

		if (tempBulbs) {
			section {
				input(name: "foreBulbs", type: "capability.colorControl", title: "Which color bulb(s) show the forecast (optional)", description: null, multiple: true, required: false, submitOnChange: true)

			section {
				href(name: "toNumbersPage", page: "numbersPage", title: "Duration & Direction", description: numbersPageHrefDescription(), state: "complete")

            //Error checking!
			if (isErrors()) {
              section(hideable: false) {
                	if (dynamicStartLevel() >= dynamicEndLevel()) {
                        paragraph(name: "error1", title: "ERROR: Dimming Levels", "The end level MUST be larger than the start level.  Please update your values.")
                    if (bulbIntersects()) {
                        paragraph(name: "error2", title: "ERROR: Bulbs in Multiple Groups", "The following bulbs are in both the temperature bulb list and the forecast bulb list: ${fancyDeviceString(bulbIntersects())}")
				    input(name: "dummy", type: "capability.nope", title: null, description: null, required: true)

			section {
				href(name: "toSchedulingPage", page: "schedulingPage", title: "Rules For Automatically Dimming Your Lights", description: schedulingHrefDescription(), state: schedulingHrefDescription() ? "complete" : "")

			section {
				href(name: "toCompletionPage", title: "Completion Actions (Optional)", page: "completionPage", state: completionHrefDescription() ? "complete" : "", description: completionHrefDescription())

			section {
				// TODO: fancy label
				label(title: "Label this SmartApp", required: false, defaultValue: "")
			if (!isErrors()) {
            	section(hideable: true, hidden: true, title: "Error Report") {
            		input(name: "dummy", type: "capability.nope", title: null, description: "No errors were found and you can install this app.", required: false, state: "complete")

def isErrors() {
	return (dynamicStartLevel() >= dynamicEndLevel() || bulbIntersects())

* Allows the user to set the time it takes for the bubls to brighten, as well as the start to end levels 
def numbersPage() {
	dynamicPage(name:"numbersPage", title:"") {

		section {
			paragraph(name: "pGraph", title: "These lights will show the temperature", fancyDeviceString(tempBulbs))
			if (foreBulbs) {
			  paragraph(name: "pGraph2", title: "and these lights will show the forecast", fancyDeviceString(foreBulbs))

		section {
			input(name: "duration", type: "number", title: "For this many minutes", description: "30", required: false, defaultValue: 30)

		section {
			input(name: "startLevel", type: "number", range: "1..99", title: "From this level", defaultValue: 1, description: "Between 1 and 99", required: true, multiple: false)
			input(name: "endLevel", type: "number", range: "2..99", title: "To this level", defaultValue: 99, description: "Between 2 and 99, greater than the From", required: true, multiple: false)

* Allows the user to choose when to have the ligths come on
def schedulingPage() {
	dynamicPage(name: "schedulingPage", title: "Rules For Automatically Dimming Your Lights") {

		section {
			input(name: "days", type: "enum", title: "Allow Automatic Dimming On These Days", description: "Every day", required: false, multiple: true, options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"])

		section {
			input(name: "modeStart", title: "Start when entering this mode", type: "mode", required: false, mutliple: false, submitOnChange: true)
			if (modeStart) {
				input(name: "modeStop", title: "Stop when leaving '${modeStart}' mode", type: "bool", required: false)

		section {
			input(name: "startTime", type: "time", title: "Start Dimming At This Time", description: null, required: false)
		section ("Zip code (optional, defaults to location coordinates)...") {
			input "zipcode", "text", title: "Zip Code", required: false


* Allows the user to set various things to happen when the lights are done dimming
def completionPage() {
	dynamicPage(name: "completionPage", title: "Completion Rules") {

		section("Switches") {
			input(name: "completionSwitches", type: "capability.switch", title: "Set these switches", description: null, required: false, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true)
			if (completionSwitches || androidClient()) {
				input(name: "completionSwitchesState", type: "enum", title: "To", description: null, required: false, multiple: false, options: ["on", "off"], style: "segmented", defaultValue: "on")
				input(name: "completionSwitchesLevel", type: "number", title: "Optionally, Set Dimmer Levels To", description: null, required: false, multiple: false, range: "(0..99)")

		section("Notifications") {
			input("recipients", "contact", title: "Send notifications to") {
				input(name: "completionPhoneNumber", type: "phone", title: "Text This Number", description: "Phone number", required: false)
				input(name: "completionPush", type: "bool", title: "Send A Push Notification", description: "Phone number", required: false)
			input(name: "completionMusicPlayer", type: "capability.musicPlayer", title: "Speak Using This Music Player", required: false)
			input(name: "completionMessage", type: "text", title: "With This Message", description: null, required: false)

		section("Modes and Phrases") {
			input(name: "completionMode", type: "mode", title: "Change ${location.name} Mode To", description: null, required: false)
			input(name: "completionPhrase", type: "enum", title: "Execute The Phrase", description: null, required: false, multiple: false, options: location.helloHome.getPhrases().label)

		section("Delay") {
			input(name: "completionDelay", type: "number", title: "Delay This Many Minutes Before Executing These Actions", description: "0", required: false)

// ========================================================
// Handlers
// ========================================================

def installed() {
	log.debug "Installing 'Gentle Wake Up' with settings: ${settings}"


def updated() {
	log.debug "Updating 'Gentle Wake Up' with settings: ${settings}"


private initialize() {

	if (startTime) {
		log.debug "scheduling dimming routine to run at $startTime"
		schedule(startTime, "scheduledStart")

	// TODO: make this an option
	subscribe(app, appHandler)

	subscribe(location, locationHandler)

def appHandler(evt) {
	log.debug "appHandler evt: ${evt.value}"
	if (evt.value == "touch") {
		if (atomicState.running) {
		} else {

def locationHandler(evt) {
	log.debug "locationHandler evt: ${evt.value}"

	if (!modeStart) {

	def isSpecifiedMode = (evt.value == modeStart)
	def modeStopIsTrue = (modeStop && modeStop != "false")

	if (isSpecifiedMode && canStartAutomatically()) {
	} else if (!isSpecifiedMode && modeStopIsTrue) {


// ========================================================
// Scheduling
// ========================================================

def scheduledStart() {
	if (canStartAutomatically()) {

def start() {
	log.trace "START"

	if (dynamicEndLevel() <= dynamicStartLevel()) {
		log.error "The end level is smaller than the start level.  Booo."


	atomicState.running = true

	atomicState.start = new Date().getTime()

	schedule("0 * * * * ?", "healthCheck")

def stop() {
	log.trace "STOP"

	atomicState.running = false
	atomicState.start = 0


private healthCheck() {
	log.trace "'Gentle Wake Up' healthCheck"

	if (!atomicState.running) {


// ========================================================
// Setting levels
// ========================================================

private increment() {

	if (!atomicState.running) {

	def percentComplete = completionPercentage()

	if (percentComplete > 99) {
		percentComplete = 99


	if (percentComplete < 99) {

		def runAgain = stepDuration()
		log.debug "Rescheduling to run again in ${runAgain} seconds"

		runIn(runAgain, 'increment', [overwrite: true])

	} else {

		int completionDelay = completionDelaySeconds()
		if (completionDelay) {
			log.debug "Finished with steps. Scheduling completion for ${completionDelay} second(s) from now"
			runIn(completionDelay, 'completion', [overwrite: true])
			// don't let the health check start incrementing again while we wait for the delayed execution of completion
		} else {
			log.debug "Finished with steps. Execution completion"


def updateDimmers(percentComplete) {
	//Set the color and brightness of the temperature bulb
	tempBulbs.each { dimmer ->
		def nextLevel = dynamicLevel(dimmer, percentComplete)
		dimmer.setColor([hue: atomicState.tempHue, saturation: 100, level: nextLevel])

	if (foreBulbs){
		foreBulbs.each { dimmer ->
			def nextLevel = dynamicLevel(dimmer, percentComplete)
			dimmer.setColor([hue: atomicState.foreHue, saturation: 100, level: nextLevel])

int dynamicLevel(dimmer, percentComplete) {
	def start = dynamicStartLevel()
	def end = dynamicEndLevel()

	if (!percentComplete) {
		return start

	def totalDiff = end - start
	def actualPercentage = percentComplete / 100
	def percentOfTotalDiff = totalDiff * actualPercentage

	(start + percentOfTotalDiff) as int

// ========================================================
// Completion
// ========================================================

private completion() {
	log.trace "Starting completion block"

	if (!atomicState.running) {






private handleCompletionSwitches() {
	completionSwitches.each { completionSwitch ->

		def isDimmer = hasSetLevelCommand(completionSwitch)

		if (completionSwitchesLevel && isDimmer) {
		} else {
			def command = completionSwitchesState ?: "on"

private handleCompletionMessaging() {
	if (completionMessage) {
		if (location.contactBookEnabled) {
			sendNotificationToContacts(completionMessage, recipients)
		} else {
			if (completionPhoneNumber) {
				sendSms(completionPhoneNumber, completionMessage)
			if (completionPush) {
		if (completionMusicPlayer) {

private handleCompletionModesAndPhrases() {

	if (completionMode) {

	if (completionPhrase) {


def speak(message) {
	def sound = textToSpeech(message)
	def soundDuration = (sound.duration as Integer) + 2
	log.debug "Playing $sound.uri"
	log.debug "Scheduled resume in $soundDuration sec"
	runIn(soundDuration, resumePlaying, [overwrite: true])

def resumePlaying() {
	log.trace "resumePlaying()"
	def sonos = completionMusicPlayer
	if (sonos) {
		def currentTrack = sonos.currentState("trackData").jsonValue
		if (currentTrack.status == "playing") {
		} else {

// ========================================================
// Helpers
// ========================================================

def canStartAutomatically() {

	def today = new Date().format("EEEE")
	log.debug "today: ${today}, days: ${days}"

	if (!days || days.contains(today)) {// if no days, assume every day
		return true

	log.trace "should not run"
	return false

def completionPercentage() {
	log.trace "checkingTime"

	if (!atomicState.running) {

	int now = new Date().getTime()
	int diff = now - atomicState.start
	int totalRunTime = totalRunTimeMillis()
	int percentOfRunTime = (diff / totalRunTime) * 100
	log.debug "percentOfRunTime: ${percentOfRunTime}"


int totalRunTimeMillis() {
	int minutes = sanitizeInt(duration, 30)
	def seconds = minutes * 60
	def millis = seconds * 1000
	return millis as int

int dynamicStartLevel() {
	return startLevel ?: 1 as int

int dynamicEndLevel() {
	return endLevel ?: 99 as int

 * Converts the device lists to regular lists so that I can run intersect on them
private bulbIntersects() {
	if (tempBulbs && foreBulbs) {
      return tempBulbs.findAll {foreBulbs*.id.contains( it.id )}
	else return null

private hasSetLevelCommand(device) {
	def isDimmer = false
	device.supportedCommands.each {
		if (it.name.contains("setLevel")) {
			isDimmer = true
	return isDimmer

private int sanitizeInt(i, int defaultValue = 0) {
	try {
		if (!i) {
			return defaultValue
		} else {
			return i as int
	catch (Exception e) {
		log.debug e
		return defaultValue

private completionDelaySeconds() {
	int completionDelayMinutes = sanitizeInt(completionDelay)
	int completionDelaySeconds = (completionDelayMinutes * 60)
	return completionDelaySeconds ?: 0

private stepDuration() {
	int minutes = sanitizeInt(duration, 30)
	int stepDuration = (minutes * 60) / 100
	return stepDuration ?: 1

private debug(message) {
	log.debug "${message}\nstate: ${state}"

public smartThingsDateFormat() { "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" }

public humanReadableStartDate() {
	new Date().parse(smartThingsDateFormat(), startTime).format("h:mm a", timeZone(startTime))

def fancyString(listOfStrings) {

	def fancify = { list ->
		return list.collect {
			def label = it
			if (list.size() > 1 && it == list[-1]) {
				label = "and ${label}"
		}.join(", ")

	return fancify(listOfStrings)

def fancyDeviceString(devices = []) {
	fancyString(devices.collect { deviceLabel(it) })

def deviceLabel(device) {
	return device.label ?: device.name

def schedulingHrefDescription() {

	def descriptionParts = []
	if (days) {
		descriptionParts << "On ${fancyString(days)},"

    if (foreBulbs){
		descriptionParts << "${fancyDeviceString(tempBulbs)} and ${fancyDeviceString(foreBulbs)} will start dimming"
	else {
		descriptionParts << "${fancyDeviceString(tempBulbs)} will start dimming"

	if (startTime) {
		descriptionParts << "at ${humanReadableStartDate()}"

	if (modeStart) {
		if (startTime) {
			descriptionParts << "or"
		descriptionParts << "when ${location.name} enters '${modeStart}' mode"

	if (descriptionParts.size() <= 1) {
		// dimmers will be in the list no matter what. No rules are set if only dimmers are in the list
		return null

	return descriptionParts.join(" ")

def completionHrefDescription() {

	def descriptionParts = []
	def example = "Switch1 will be turned on. Switch2, Switch3, and Switch4 will be dimmed to 50%. The message '<message>' will be spoken, sent as a text, and sent as a push notification. The mode will be changed to '<mode>'. The phrase '<phrase>' will be executed"

	if (completionSwitches) {
		def switchesList = []
		def dimmersList = []

		completionSwitches.each {
			def isDimmer = completionSwitchesLevel ? hasSetLevelCommand(it) : false

			if (isDimmer) {
				dimmersList << deviceLabel(it)

			if (!isDimmer) {
				switchesList << deviceLabel(it)

		if (switchesList) {
			descriptionParts << "${fancyString(switchesList)} will be turned ${completionSwitchesState ?: 'on'}."

		if (dimmersList) {
			descriptionParts << "${fancyString(dimmersList)} will be dimmed to ${completionSwitchesLevel}%."


	if (completionMessage && (completionPhoneNumber || completionPush || completionMusicPlayer)) {
		def messageParts = []

		if (completionMusicPlayer) {
			messageParts << "spoken"
		if (completionPhoneNumber) {
			messageParts << "sent as a text"
		if (completionPush) {
			messageParts << "sent as a push notification"

		descriptionParts << "The message '${completionMessage}' will be ${fancyString(messageParts)}."

	if (completionMode) {
		descriptionParts << "The mode will be changed to '${completionMode}'."

	if (completionPhrase) {
		descriptionParts << "The phrase '${completionPhrase}' will be executed."

	return descriptionParts.join(" ")

def numbersPageHrefDescription() {
	def title = "All bulbs will dim for ${duration ?: '30'} minutes from ${startLevel ?: '0'} to ${endLevel ?: '99'} and the color will be set based on the weather."

    return title

//This will query for the local forecast and set the temp color and the forecast color
def setWeatherColors() {
	def forecast
  if(locationIsDefined()) {
		if(zipcodeIsValid()) {
            forecast = getWeatherFeature("forecast", zipcode )       
		} else {
			log.warn "Invalid or missing zipcode entered, defaulting to location's zipcode"
            forecast = getWeatherFeature("forecast") }
	} else {
		log.error "Location is not defined"

	if (!forecast){
		atomicState.tempHue = 50
		atomicState.foreHue = 50

	def temp_f = forecast.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[0].high.fahrenheit.toInteger()
	def newforecast = forecast.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[0].icon
	log.debug "Today's temp will be: $temp_f"
	log.debug "and today's forecast is: $newforecast"

	switch (temp_f) {
		case Integer.MIN_VALUE..20:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 75
		case 21..35:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 66.4
		case 36..45:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 58.1
		case 46..55:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 49.8
		case 56..65:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 41.5
		case 66..75:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 33.2
		case 76..85:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 24.9
		case 86..95:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 16.6
		case 96..105:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 8.3
		case 106..integer.MAX_VALUE:
		  atomicState.tempHue = 0
	switch (newforecast){
		case ["chanceflurries","chancesleet","chancesnow","flurries","sleet","snow"]:  //Snow
		  atomicState.foreHue = 83
		case ["chancerain","rain"]:
		  atomicState.foreHue = 75
	    case ["chancetstorms","tstorms"]:
		  atomicState.foreHue = 10
	    case ["clear","fog","mostlysunny","partlysunny","sunny","unknown"]:
		  atomicState.foreHue = 25
	    case ["cloudy","hazy","mostlycloudy","partlycloudy"]:
		  atomicState.foreHue = 37

	log.debug "The temp color hue is: ${atomicState.tempHue}"
	log.debug "The forecast color hue is: ${atomicState.foreHue}"
	sendNotificationEvent("Today will be ${forecast.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[0].fcttext}")

def locationIsDefined() {
	zipcodeIsValid() || location.zipCode || ( location.latitude && location.longitude )

def zipcodeIsValid() {
	zipcode && zipcode.isNumber() && zipcode.size() == 5