Thanks, sorry about the tone, I was just frustrated at another API wall. I would love to see a full API of all the custom SmartThing classes which includes their sub-classes, public properties, and public functions. And then for the functions include what the parameters are and what class any object(s) they return is. It could even just use the header block above each class/function, it doesn’t need custom documentation for everything.
Yep, I presume if there is a DeviceWrapperList class then there’s also a custom Device class that doesn’t have extended the comparitor to work properly for that class. Which is fine, if I can understand what I’m working with by looking at the API or documentation. My frustration comes from having to figure out what SmartThings classes can and can’t do by trial and error (or even what class I’m working with).
I’ve read through most of the documentation and have written a couple apps (like this one). It’s not that I don’t know how to create an app, it’s where to find information about the custom SmartThings classes. I understand that SmartThings is trying to keep things simple, but their documentation is lacking in many areas.