Based on SmartThings Dimmer Switch
- Device parameters configuration
- Panic Mode (Alarm) capability
- Protection Mode (Child Lock) capability
Warning: If you are using RF9540-N master with auxiliary Aspire switch(es), this DH may break the connection, since I do not have an Aspire auxiliary switch and thus I’m unable to test it.
Please read the comments at the top of the DH for complete info on features and limitations.
Let me know of any bugs and if you find it useful. Keep in mind - I’m not a programmer.
Regarding Protection Mode – my planned usage:
I’m using SmartThings at the office. There’s janitorial services, and they come-in after hours. When alarm is armed, and motion detector sees activity, dimmer protection is set to Remote Only, dimmer brings up lights to 40%, and allows 30 seconds to enter the disarm code before siren and Panic Mode are turned on.
If janitorial disarm code is entered, Mode is set to Janitorial, dimmer level brought up to 99%. After 5 minutes, setLevel(0,120) is sent, allowing 2 minutes before lights are completely off and system is re-armed.
Haven’t decided if I’ll keep the dimmer in Remote Only while armed. Seems that keeping lights locked On at 99% when intrusion happens would be a good deterrent in the case of an office with cameras installed.
To manipulate the Protection Mode, use Rule Machine Expert Features or the helper app below.
Need to know if anyone is using this DH. Posting/documenting takes a little time, so I will only keep doing this (documenting/posting) if it’s useful to others. Thank you.
Version history
28 Apr 2016 v1 initial release
01 May 2016 v2
- changed Protection Mode commands, now no longer uses parameters
- moved Protection Mode setting from preferences to tile
- added multiple value tiles to UI to display current dimmer configuration (device parameters)
Protection Mode helper
Here’s a helper app to use a virtual switch to enable/disable protection mode. When installing the app, it will ask what you want the Protection Mode to be – Sequence Control or Remote Only. This app will allow you to easily add protection mode switching to Routines and Smart Rules. Without it, you need to use Rule Machine to manipulate the Protection Mode.