Notify me when switch on for X minutes?

I’ve searched my mind out and can’t seem to find what seems like it should be pretty straightforward.

If a light is on for a given amount of time, I want it to notify me, not turn the switch off. I see how to turn a switch off if it’s been on for some amount of time but, just in case someone is still in the room, I don’t want them to be left in the dark. I just want a notification so the person who forgot to turn it off, if not still there, gets a reminder to turn it off.

I am using CoRE to turn a light on when arriving home after sunset and turning it off after 10 minutes. However, I don’t see notifications or texting in CoRE. The wiki doesn’t seem to cover that either. Am I missing something?

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Ah, found it. Didn’t realize I had to use the location toggle. Thanks Robin for the help!

I don’t see it but I don’t have expert mode enabled and I’m obviously not an expert with this yet.